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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Leave me alone, it's still 2008 for me!
  2. I will find a way! I'll probs just go on PS later and mess around with them
  3. Err, i've been here since May 08... It was sillybob who showed me here, I didn't post much at all, it took me until december to get 150 posts, then in the last month or so i've managed to triple that, and a few more As you can see, i've started to become very active on here, I think since May 08 I have been on every day, apart from my week vacation, where I managed to get on twice Thats pretty much my story, I help when I can, i'm active... And of course i'm Dan! <3 Long live IBM
  4. Thanks for the share dude, i'll be sure to download these and use them
  5. Legacy, I made a post a few weeks back about a intro forum... It really didn't get much interest... But I agree that we should add a sports section, that would get lots of interest I think.
  6. Lol, wow. I want that It's not there for me
  7.  Dan

    VIP Transition

    Don't worry. When we go to IPB 3 posts won't matter, it will be all on +rep. When you reach a certain amount of +rep you will get VIP... It stops spammers getting VIP status.
  8. Lol, but what like lol? From what i've heard/ seen, there isn't going to be much else to mod
  9. It's always given my very bad quality results... In the making they are perfect, but the end results always suck.
  10. Lol, your phone looks like one of those 2 way radio's
  11. Wow, seriously... I cannot wait for this lol. Any ideas on when the maps are going to released seperatly from the LCE Halo Wars? Teh bot is teh spam, ban him.
  12.  Dan

    Staff Changes

    Agreed, i'm happy that Smoki and Slip got the job... There really is no one who could do it better. Sorry for this, but I guarentee that some of the less active staff come back for these few weeks, just so they can keep their position. Anyway, congratz to Smoki and Slip! P.S. Sorry if this offended anyone, but it's the way I feel.
  13.  Dan

    hey :D

    Welcome back dude! Stop spreading your pink name. Ima cover it when I can.
  14. Heres teh embed. Cannot Be Displayed
  15. Does your dog have drug problems?
  16. No you. Im busy opening and closing my disk tray
  17. Teh 3rd one is teh bum smexx. I love the colors and the fact that there is like no negactive space atall Can I haz bum happy time with it?
  18. Turn it on, put it in a hot cupboard, and surround it with clothing, towles etc.
  19. Links buggard.
  20. Nothing beats some of the stuff I post in here.
  21. Hmm, thats wierd... You really shouldn't have opened it though... That totally voided any warrenty that it would have ever had lol.
  22. Ahh, both of my xbox's have this problem, yes the disk drive isn't even spinning... Just open and close it 4-5 times... It should work.
  23.  Dan

    HOLY s***

    No, I heard xDansomee is though. Just a rumor.
  24. If you've had it for less than 3 years, you still have your RROD warrenty on it.
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