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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Uhh, eating easter eggs.
  2. No seriously?
  3. Im cool.
  4. Too right biatch. Thanks darlin, love it
  5.  Dan

    F.N.G Times.

    Dude, 30 secs is really bad lol.
  6. x2 post ftl.
  7. -Fixed that dreaded error in your profile, so now your recent visitors show! Not fixed.
  8. WHAAAT? There, I said it.
  9. I pwn, I know. Damn, I have no sig nao.
  10. Test 2 EDIT: MA seeg.
  11. Seems nice 'n' cool.
  12. You have no sig... Nice chatbox update. EDIT: Sig back.
  13. Already on F-O-O-L.
  14. Uhh, yeah.
  15.  Dan

    F.N.G Times.

    The cargo ship at the start of the COD 4 campaign.
  16. Here you can post your best F.N.G times, also post your gamertag. Mine: xDansomee 16.40 Secs
  17. Your on MSN a lot... Thats how I get in contact with you.
  18. Uhh, my fileshare has a good map on Sandbox, made be me... Obv.
  19. Ffs, I may still be up.
  20.  Dan

    700 Posts

    Gratz darlin.
  21.  Dan


    Lurks liek a bayd foto. Nah, I like it... A diff style to your norm.
  22. http://energyfanatics.com/wp-content/uploa...09/rockstar.jpg FTW?
  23. I gotta see this lol...
  24. Got nice cnc from teh buddah? Must be improving I like this tag :L
  25. Can you lower the time? So I wont be asleep in the UK.
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