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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Me neither lol, but mehh
  2.  Dan


    Wierd as it sounds, I prefer this over PhotoShop, PDN is way easier to use, it's free... And when used well, it can give outstanding results
  3. I like the sound of the map making, and screenshot contests
  4.  Dan

    Modesty BG/sig

    The text under his feet just looks "pasted" on.
  5. I lol'd because you two are the same person.
  6. Topic cleaned as requested
  7. KD beat both of you.
  8. Uhh KD made this up yesterday.
  9. http://cod4gamercard.com/gamercard/xDansomee.cod4.jpg
  10. Sticked as per request. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/xDansomee/avatar-body.png ^Me^ Meh, it can stay here
  11.  Dan


    Closed due to unsuitable material.
  12.  Dan


    Anyone else think these are unsuitable?
  13. Lost Fringe Family Guy Mythbusters Top Gear
  14. Wooo Finally <3
  15. Thanks Peaches
  16. Random pic 1 should be added.
  17. Whats the GT?
  18. i r Dansum. I also approve of this smexy thread
  19. Tbh, I think more guys watch films 'like that'
  20.  Dan


    Dude, you have 340.
  21.  Dan


  22. xDansomee came from Dansome. Used to be my nickname.
  23.  Dan


    I highly doubt that... Anyway, the orders are delt with by Amazon.com / .co.uk So mehh. --------------------------------- Thanks Pargi and JUSTREC... It says you are both missing info? --------------------------------- Now it's just you Pargi, can both you guys do some offers?
  24.  Dan


    My friend down the road got GTA IV from it, and i've ordered a small item, just awaiting confirmation now.
  25.  Dan


    Meh, idc what it is... The site is legit, so i'm getting my god damn stuff
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