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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Yessum, and porn.
  2. I dont have any local game shops, so I just pre-order online, so its there when I get home from school on the day of the release
  3. I wanna pre-order the collectors editions of Halo: ODST and MW2, but they both arn't availible to order in the UK yet.
  4. i r new hiar. can i r haz recun?
  5. Uhh, im on the CoD 4 main menu... So im listening to the Call of Duty 4 Theme
  6. Stupid language, being racist pretty much everywhere... Temp ban. (The ban is for the racism)
  7. Wait a sec... Meh, it works. But you spawn outside of the level.
  8.  Dan

    For Dannieboy

    Ohh, thanks anyway
  9.  Dan

    For Dannieboy

    What does it say in the bottom right lol?
  10.  Dan

    +rate +class me

    Novice But good
  11.  Dan


    He likes reebok shoes.
  12. Sure, it looks nice... And harly increases the load time at all.
  13. http://www.points2shop.com/index.php?ref=xDansomee Once you have signed up and verified, near the top of the screen it says "switch to cashle platform" now instead of getting points (which you use to buy prizes) You get cash So far I have gotten some gummy headphones, an ipod case and one of those lil planes
  14. Where can I get an iPedo?
  15. Mines bettarrrr muahaha.
  16. My internet speed, legit. http://www.speedtest.net/result/489141507.png
  17. Teh legleg.
  18. Love teh iPedo, 7/10 http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/Newsig3.png Rate it
  19. What does this actually do?
  20.  Dan

    Vanity 2.0

    Whats diff on V2?
  21.  Dan

    plzzz help

    Moved to Halo 3 Support/Help
  22. Updated again, look at post 3. Removed some posts... Again, they were in the way
  23. You won't / shouldn't get banned or warned for posting ONE topic in off-topic that contains all the promotions you have. If you do, i'll look into it.
  24.  Dan

    RAM Edits

    Uhh, youve just opened that convo up in hex editor...
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