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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan

    Demote me.

    No one here cares, so I want to be demoted. Thanks.
  2. has nothing to say.
  3. has nothing to say.
  4. has nothing to say.
  5. has nothing to say.
  6. has nothing to say.
  7.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    The Botting Network.
  8. What is the member thingy?
  9.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    Rofl, I need to build a sim card catapult.
  10. 15, the youngest staff member xD
  11. Right, the lastest I can attend is 5pm or 6pm central.
  12. Moved back into 'General Discussion' as requested.
  13.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    I used a bot, it ordered them for me. Nope, I had to go out to the post womans van and get them because they were too heavy for her to carry lol
  14.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    ã0.99 each on ebay. ã5 each in shops.
  15.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    Tbh, I have no idea... Can I have some idea's pl0x?
  16. Nice one mate, gratz.
  17.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    Sod's law. If I were elsewhere i'd be earning by now lol.
  18.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    Im not even selling these, I just ordered to see if they would arrive. Also, you expect me to sell stuff for a loss? Thats just dumb and not going to get you anywhere in life lol.
  19.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    Hmm, xD. How many did you want?
  20.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    They wont work in the US lol.
  21.  Dan

    8000 Sim Cards

    Lol, I know the free sample process, there are next to no humans involved Also, i've had friends who have done this ages ago, so its safe.
  22. Lol, I used a bot and ordered 8000 sim cards... Guess what?! They turned up 20 mins ago lol. I know it doesnt look many, but there are 2000 packs, and 4 card in each pack. Pics: http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/S2300027.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd116/crazy2dan/S2300028.jpg I love messing companies around.
  23. Yeah, but what animal is it? A tapir?
  24. Uhh, like 4pm... Idk. 10pm GMT, so you check it out?
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