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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. Any particular reason why you quoted the entire post?
  2. Mini sandtrap? Edit: I would say sometime in late March, They said that Halo Wars is coming in March, and that the Mythic Map Pack is also coming with it. But You would have to buy The maps separately if you chose not to buy Halo Wars.
  3. at school right now cant watch t3h vidzzz
  4. Nevermind, i just used a RS autotyper, lol
  5. i remember seeing this on the old ibm YEHA!
  6. happy bday smokester
  7. L337 Box


    i don't really understand what it is, but it looks like it would be a cool sig
  8. If anybody has any, i have to do microtype at my school and it's really annoying. If you can copy and paste that would be awesome.
  9. Hey V3NOM, try not to make so much bad comments, it can get you banned and the last thing we want is for people to get banned. You don't have to but im just giving you a little advice. On Topic - I would like to watch these videos but i don't really feel like downloading them. > Try finding somebody with a capture card to capture them. I doubt most peoplem would download from Bungie.net
  10. V3NOM, what you said was and he is saying that it is a waste of time to do something like this if nobody can see the clothing on Xbox Live. Please don't be rude, he was only stating his own opinion.
  11. I Hope you kept me Peach >:[ soz if im off topic of the off topicness.
  12. The guy didnt know about the attack and his wife thought he was in the building but he was cheating on her with another girl.
  13. The festive season is upon us, and to celebrate weâre presenting you with the result of your Guaranteed Content Christmas poll, in the form of this yearsâ Christmas event. Weâve also got an appropriately wintery quest for you in Myths of the White Lands. We hope you have lots of fun, and enjoy your Christmas adventures! Merry Christmas! A number of slippery ice patches have been spotted in Gielinor, and there is growing concern that someone, or something, is trying to ruin everybodyâs Christmas. With so much ice around, the safety of the inhabitants of RuneScape is at stake, and as if that wasnât enough, disappointed children have been reporting a lack of presents in their stockings! According to imp emissaries from the Land of Snow, the problem originated in their homelandâ¦those of you who remember the result of your Guaranteed Content Christmas poll may have an idea of what lies at the centre of the mystery! Meanwhile, in Lumbridge, Explorer Jack has heard tales from a chatty snow imp of mythical riches in the Land of Snow. Of course, he leaves the adventuring to younger explorers these days, but he could be talked into rewarding someone willing to fetch these riches for him. In Myths of the White Lands, you will discover what lies at the heart of snow imp lore, and the creatures that accompany it. You will need ingenuity, skill and quick reflexes to succeed in this particularly puzzling quest, which more experienced players may find contains a few extra rewards. Myths of the White Lands will be available to all players for two weeks, after which it will be available only to members. The Christmas event will be available to all players for two weeks only. This is the first quest (and event) I have written, and itâs exciting to finally have something I made released. I really hope that you like them both, and that you have at least as much fun playing them as I had writing them. Merry Christmas, everybody! Where to start the Christmas event: Speak to one of the snow imps north of Lumbridge, Rimmington or Falador Requirements: None Where to start Myths of the White Lands: Talk to Explorer Jack in Lumbridge Requirements: None If you need any Guides for Either the Quest or the Event Please click the links below
  14. http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2008/1...ty-911-fail.jpg
  15. Started Gaming at about 3-5, Dad is a computer freak. Mostly played games such as Pokemon, Age of Empires, Doom. Alot of strategy games.
  16. L337 Box

    VIP Updates

    I want to stay
  17. Smoky, you think i should get wow? i was thinking about it. I already have the game i just don't know if my parents are willing to pay 20$ a month, ( RS and WoW )
  18. 1st pic looks amazing. Downloading now.
  19. Try not to quote whole posts, I don't even think you had to quote, lol.
  20. I wouldn't do this even IF i had a 3-month. Seems a little weird if you ask me.
  21. Yea i'm trying to get higher score
  22. Song Name - Through the Fire and Flames Difficulty - Expert Game System - Xbox 360 Final Score - 465,673 Note Streak - 389 Highest Multiplier - 8x Hyperspeed - 3 Date Achieved - November 22, 2008
  23. I think i clicked the wrong Vote Option . I think i play around 60 hrs.
  24. Yes, but all 3 of the first Bursts must hit them. So it's kind of a waste.
  25. Assault Rifled when you know you clearly 4-shot them in the head.
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