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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. I always knew there was something strange about that teacher
  2. Where can i get an Xecuter 3?
  3. Should this be in Xbox 360 Modding?
  4. Mississippi
  5. More info Here Personally, i don't care much for this teacher at all. I thought she was a bit racist . also, this is kinda old, i just decided i'd post it anyway lol.
  6. i haven't had snow since 2005 , maybe i'll get lucky tho eh?
  7. errbody has a dev kit nowadays
  8. perma-ban V3NOM Pl0x?
  9. Still only a lv 44 Trev? lol, i remember one time i matched up with you on my one month and beat you 1 v 2
  10. how does everybody have mythix map pack
  11. it's because the skulls are actually on these maps, it's kind of like the Flamethrower mod and Missle pod mod, you can only use those gametypes on the maps that have those weapons.
  12. Not very creative tbh, i stopped it at about 3/4 the way.
  13. L337 Box


    don't forget about Smoky
  14. how did you get the maps Anthrum?
  15. so that new kids couldn't just come and make famous screenshots lol, but idc teh secret is out!
  16. i didnt know if i should have posted it here or VIP
  17. Step 1: Make a platform for the weapons to be placed on, bridges work best. Make sure the bridges themselves are floating in the air. To do so hold the object in the air in the position you wish it to be then press start, save game then end game. Once you start up the game the object should be floating. NOTE that this does not work with weapons as they will fall once the game starts. Step 2: Once you are done setting the platform in which you plan to place weapons on, place any weapons you wish in any form or design. Step 3: Once you are done drawing your design on the floating bridge/s save the game. DO NOT delete the base yet. Save the game first. Once the game is saved you can go back and delete the bridges and the weapons are floating! If you start new round or touch/shoot the weapons they will fall. Stay away from the weapons. Even after you delete the platform do not save game. You may go back and take as many screenshots as you wish, but each time you will have to delete the bridges in the beginning of the game. That is how it works. Meaning this technique can only be done in Forge. ↓If you wish to make the weapons appear to be floating vertical follow these steps.↓ Step 1: Place the object in which you wish to use as the platform at a 45° angle. Make sure it is no more than that or the weapons will slide. Step 2: Place the weapons on the platform in any design you feel like. Step 3: Save the game, then delete the platform and your weapons are floating at a slight angle. To make the illusion that the weapons are vertical take the screenshot from a 50-60° angle. Make the spartan or elite stand close to the camera. This gives the illusion that the spartan/elite is in correct proportion to your weapon drawing. example: here Take these steps and you will end up with a screenshot that is unbelievable. Hope this tutorial helps you guys out. Be creative have fun. If you would like me to send you the map that i use, message me on Xbox Live, my Gamertag is hLppy, or my AIM is hLppyOnCrack
  18. Do members get moar chances because they are new? or not as familiar to the site?
  19. Finally, TY Peach, everything else has been kinda boring.
  20. LMAO! Shouldn't this be in H3 Discussion ?
  21. Sandbox looks too good to be on H3, lol
  22. I think your about a year late for a Skulls Topic, unless its Mythic Map Skulls This is good either way though. It's just that everybody already knows how to get all the skulls.
  23. When will VIP 2.0 be available to the rest of VIP?
  24. Have you been downloading anything recently?
  25. Personally, i don't use GFX section alot. I don't care if it goes or stays.
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