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L337 Box

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Everything posted by L337 Box

  1. it looks really good now, its better than the old one because you can make it as large or as small as you want, anymore updates coming?
  2. soz m8 im pretty sure someone already posted this ( just not in gfx )
  3. That looks pretty pro m8
  4. i like them all ( last on favorite )
  5. L337 Box

    Come on VIP!!

    i feel left out now
  6. weird how nobody has even mentioned wii you should probably add it to the post ( i know you added to poll )
  7. xbox ftW?
  8. yea it works all good, Its my sig now
  9. you already know im a fan of your vids im gonna show all ma frendziez!
  10. This is a very good series created by RandomSauce and Turret Buddy The Official Halo 3 MythBusters site, is located Here ---> http://www.halo3mythbusters.com Please send myth suggestions to: halo3mythbusters@gmail.com Episode 1 Cannot Be Displayed Episode 2 Cannot Be Displayed Episode 3 Cannot Be Displayed Episode 4 Cannot Be Displayed Episode 5 Cannot Be Displayed Episode 6 Cannot Be Displayed Episode 7 Cannot Be Displayed Episode 8 Cannot Be Displayed I also suggest subscribing to DTHclan's YouTube Page
  11. heres another illusion i though was pretty cool. can you read what this says? A rnecet sduty at the usivenrity of clifoniara swohed taht the hamun barin can raed a pragarpgh wtih the lrettes in ecah wrod mexid up as lnog as the frist and lsat lteerts are in the crocret pcale.
  12. All.
  13. yea the new chat box is fine with me but i think its a little small.
  14. like it now ?
  15. Slayer - MultiFlag - ball/assault - Yes, in that order.
  16. 1 more 70 to go m8 good job.
  17. if you look in between the word Victory you can see the letters that make Defeat.
  18. http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm419/_1_3_3_7_/victory-defeat.jpg
  19. shouldnt this go in the h3 modding discussion?
  20. dangit, did i miss another fight
  21. i knew there was a basketball hoop i just didnt know there was a sign in there thx
  22. those are awesome :○
  23. that was scary O_○. btw i like your sig now
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