Well, second (To Halo). Xmoto!!! I don't feel like posting the link to the game so i'll post the link to the post that has the posted link to the game Xmoto...got that? Anyway: viewtopic.php?f=76&t=2583
This is probably one of the most fun computer games to play: X-Moto It's a 2D dirtbike game, try it. Link: http://xmoto.tuxfamily.org/ I'd get 0.4.2 but for mac the highest you can get is 0.3.4. Also please comment, I don't like posting and getting views but then not knowing what people think.
Pellet guns are fun but I've got a mossberg .22 rifle(my grandpa got it when he was in high school and gave it to me), and I have a Browning A5 16 gauge shotgun that i got for christmas, it was made around WWII with extra parts. I love shooting...and Queens of the Stone Age.
I know my IP address and i don't have firefox, this has happened before and i reset the router and it worked, but i don't really want to reset it again but i guess i have to. Also what do i port foward, my router or gateway or both? *EDIT* I got on to my default gateway address and took a screenshot but i can't paste it on to my post(I'm probably retarded). Also i went to the default gateway that my command prompt told me and on that page it said that my default gateway was something different. Default Gateway Command Prompt- Router Page- Those aren't the actual ones, but they are different. The second link takes me to my D-Link 1120M Gateway, so once again which one do i port forward on(Router or Gateway).
My NAT is on strict, and i have done port fowarding. I also have a D-Link DVG-1120M gateway(idk if you need it or not). Also I'm trying to open my routers page from internet explorer and from network magic and it says "Internet Explorer cannot display this webpage" or it just searches at google. So can you(probably Peaches) help me with this and my NAT?
I tried to connect to xbox live the other day and igot an error that said something like "gateway error" and i connected a while back so could someone help me with this?
Best artists EVER!!!!!!! Queens of the Stone Age Nine Inch Nails Soundgarden Eagles of Death Metal Tiesto Tool Porcupine Tree NOT!!!!! Dragonforce Kyuss Radiohead List your favorites and i'll tell you if your taste of music sucks or not, which it probably will.(Rap and country suck and my music doesn't).
11th AP Calculus BC AP Physics AP Literature Etymology Lunch Quantum Sciences AP Aerodynamics/Pnuematics AP Spanish IV AP Marxism AP Anatomy It's a long day...7 and a half hours
Oh my f**king god my friend and i were just thinking about Poop Tube and well what do ya know. "My dad said I could sell the POOP tube" Tim and Eric=the s*** http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episode ... 2f17077090 and http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episode ... 90fa0aabd0 watch them in order