They played The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room) at the concert and it was amazing, I also like Buisness Time, and Mutha 'Uckas. [youtube:3vsql062]lmDTSQtK20c[/youtube:3vsql062]
[youtube:udaxnn83]u5tmnBeNv18[/youtube:udaxnn83] I went to one of their shows and it was AMAZING. Wait till the song, I think it's funny. It's also a TV show on HBO.
Probably Hangin' Tree by Queens of the Stone Age, The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret by Queens of the Stone Age, or Everybody Knows That You Are Queens of the Stone Age. I couldn't choose.
One of my first sigs (7th i think) but im still a n00b. Feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
I like your sig, all of em, and you stole the achievement sig from Happy Buddah, he had it on the old website. It was "Achievement Unlocked, You've been po0nz0r3d by Happy Buddah"
Who is your favorite artist and show an example(specifically your favorite work of art.) Favorite Artist-Salvador DalÃÆÃÂ Favorite Work of Art Title-Persistence of Memory Persistence of Memory-
List all the facts you find from the Snapple bottles(under the lids) I'll start- Mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas. Also don't go to the website where they have all the facts, thats cheating and this website doesn't allow cheating...No but seriously no cheating from that website.
List your favorite song(s) and include the band(s) that play(s) it. If you want you can put the album. Queens of the Stone Age-Autopilot Rated R (that's the album).
There is a Legendary Map PackTrailer...yea...that simple: ... &cid=13469 Video [youtube:qelbrmv6]z6RMDyyQng0[/youtube:qelbrmv6]