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Everything posted by chederz

  1. I vote Dice because it looks more creative and Melo's is a lot of repetition.
  2. I like how when you see the circles through the flowers it changes their color. Awesome.
  3. There is a guy in the imperial temple place, the place where the big dragon statue shows up at the end, and when you kill him he has an infinate amount of money. It might not be in the temple, but it's in the imperial place somewhere.
  4. chederz

    New gamertag

    Sgt Mudkip Mudkip pwns
  5. Wow, that's amazing, and I like the first one better.
  6. I don't like any of them, but if i had to choos it'd be number 2. But out of any song it should be one of these: [youtube:27j741x3]gC_5Q2--ZfE[/youtube:27j741x3] Or this: [youtube:27j741x3]UiLsvRSU5H8[/youtube:27j741x3] Oh, and QotSA pwns hard.
  7. The first one is better, and it's so true.
  8. Good, but ruins the whole reason to look at this picture.
  9. I think its fine if people are gay and married, if thats what they want they can have it. I don't think anyone has the right to tell them who they should love, though being gay is not for me. Also when guys look at two girls they think that's fine, so why not two guys. Once again, just so you know, I am not gay. On a lighter note, can't wait till the new Star Wars game!
  10. I dont really care about them, I normally go outside and look for them.
  11. Last day of school!
  12. Definately melo's.
  13. Yea, woke me up at 4, went in the basement, and my dog was scared so he layed on my head.
  14. Nice job.
  15. Sucks cause you can't get a teleporter in there.
  16. It's in Chicago. Awesome job.
  17. I'll help, I'm on pretty often. GT: Chederz
  18. Thats awesome. You should put it on your fileshare.
  19. Thats so much better than getting killed by a cone. lol
  20. Yea you're right, the hud on BioDrop and the Warthog are sick. But i love all the weapons on Nightwinder.
  21. Just played it, f**king amazing. Nightwinder still has #1 on it though.
  22. chederz

    Beautiful ;)

    Wow, thats amazing. I f***king suck at making stuff like that.
  23. can you put the buckets one back on your fileshare for a day, because i went to download it, forgot i had 50 pics, deleted one, came back, and it was gone. F***K
  24. chederz

    Mario Sig

    Pretty sweet. It doesn't blend very well.
  25. Probably because he can and it is an amazing job, so don't question his ways!
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