I was reading about the party thing, and it said it can be like a chat room, so hopefully its like private chat but with more people, but as the new dash and avatars...WHAT THE F**K?!?!
I saw The Dark Knight yesterday, and it was one of the best movies i've ever seen. If you haven't seen it, go see it, now. Heath Ledger is the greatest Joker ever, the only bad thing is he's dead. The Joker had a really awesome magic trick in the beginning. Joker's Magic trick- http://youtube.com/watch?v=KGhzVnZHvtY 5/5 for The Dark Knight
Here's the banner i made, it's not very good, but whatever. It gets cut off when i embed it so here's a link. http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6319/bannercopyxt3.png
Can someone find or make me the font in this picture that reads "WHY SO SERIOUS?"? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32046-14.jpg Thanks
http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32035-15.png V2-http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32035-16.png Second sig for a while. I don't really know how to make the background good so any help would be appreciated. C+C
I like yours better, just because it has more to do with the movie i guess, and I don't think that mine is that good. It is also the first time I used the pen tool too. The only thing I linke about mine is where it reads Chederz. Oh and Subs, you said blend the guy in more, how should I do that?
I know it won't be changed to R, but it does have a whole lot of language in it. That's not bad, but anyone who is offended by that or anything might have second thoughts. I still think it's the best movie this year.
I saw Hancock the day after it came out, and it is now my favorite movie! I think its better than I Am Legend and Iron Man. The only bad part about the movie is that it has A LOT of language, and probably should be rated R, seriously. Anyone who can go see it, go see it.
A new Star Wars game coming out on September 16, 2008, The Force Unleashed. [youtube:ox3tyved]Epz_6QepVjA[/youtube:ox3tyved] In the video they show two different physics engines, they are both very advanced, and awesome, but i think that the second one is better. Watch at least the second part of the video, because it's that amazing. Can't wait!!!