I don't suggest getting a linksys, they blow. I bought a router that was supposed to open my NAT, 100 dollars, and it is still strict. Go to xbox.com, they have a list of xbox live compatible routers, like i said, I have one but my NAT is still strict.
Held up a lot better than a 360 would've. I have both, I like my 360 more, but I don't want to be left with nothing when my Xbox breaks again. Xbox is better online, for a small fee, and PS3 is more reliable, so offline games.
I think it's helpful because sometimes when I change my motto i'll put something in without any cus words, and it will say that it is not allowed, so I just followed the tut. Thanks.
Naw, but i recently purchased a nice, new PS3. It's good for single player games, but not for online, cause the online isn't as fast. The good thing is it wont burn down my house and i can hear when i'm playing it. And if worse comes to worse i can always turn it into a George Foreman Grill. http://www.nivas.hr/blog/wp-content/photos/1601_PS3_Grill_is_Real.jpg http://cache.gizmodo.com/assets/resources/2006/11/playstation-3-grill_12.jpg
My 360 sounds like a machine gun, and gets really hot. Also when you reply, instead of writing your answer, post your answer in the poll, and write why you think that. Also my ps3 is in my room, and my 360 is in my basement.
Should i buy Fallout 3 for my PS3 or Xbox 360? Please don't be biased just because you don't have one or the other, i I used to pray over my 360 till i got a PS3, now they are even to me. I cant decide because my 360 is loud and i'm worried it will get the ring again, but PS3 wont have DLC. My 360 is hooked up to an HD tv and my PS3 isn't, but the tv my xbox is hooked up to only has 480p and 960i, and neither my xbox or PS3 supports 960i. Help me decide, right now i'm leaning towards PS3.
Nice job Robbie, I mean **Happy Buddah**, you normally don't make anime sigs, but i think you hit the nail on the head with this one! Get some get some get some!!!