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Everything posted by iBotPeaches

  1. Do you have preference for external or internal based cards? The new dazzle series coming out soon, it should work on 64bit, and record in HD.
  2. Lockon can read Japanese which is why he knew. Now I see why you said that
  3. You had my hopes up, I thought it was an SMS spammer. lol
  4. The acronym bbcode. Never seen it used before.
  5. Most people get bashed and they leave, therefore we be nice and they stay
  6. Now it gets a lock from me
  7. Hope to get an actual down-loadable version up soon, since fileshare links we kinda discourage.
  8. Yes, I approved it. I think its a great way to get more members. However, I'll take little to no part in it.
  9. kinda convinces me.
  10. ^ Thats just weird for anyone who posts that emoticon.
  11. I'm checking the raw database for your username. EDIT: Its been auto updating correctly, it shows your REP at 22. The only problem would be if your IP isn't the same, and for some reason it failed to update that thus not allowing you to sign on a different IP.
  12. Will work towards it. Once we have the old skin to match
  13. Every week, I'll post the new video here, as well as updating it on the main page. Then you may discuss it here. November 15-21 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUn45x6R4c8 This video was picked because most people don't know the first leaked video of Halo 3, and I just wanted to show it
  14. nope Replied before you even posted that.
  15. Please put who made this, because I honestly don't think it was you.
  16. The AUTH system just doesn't auto update, that would take queries to the mySQL database. For an active user who posts every once in awhile it doesn't matter. Also, it doesn't update inactive users who are trying to leech from the system. If I were to update it every time you logged in that would lock up a table for sure, since its resource intensive.
  17. It messes up lots of stuff, because it points projectiles and shaders to stuff that can't be displayed, thus freezing and not loading.
  18. Well it updates everytime you post, so it should be working now. Its too resource intensive to update every REP (which was causing most of the slowness), so it updates every post now.
  19. I was the guest just messing around
  20. iBotPeaches


    ^ ouch lol I still think its good
  21. Once we get mod_fcgid running, it should go faster.
  22. Lately I've noticed a few new members ask: "how do u mod halo 3?" or "where are the mods?" Even though that is a broad question and extremely difficult to answer in a shout box, please refrain from calling them noobs and bashing them. A community grows by new members that feel welcome, it seems people here just bash new members away daily. That for sure will lead us to death quicker. If you don't feel like helping, just link that member to the rightful section and hopefully they can get it from there. Please be nicer to the new members
  23. iBotPeaches


    The colors with the first one seem to blend more, in comparison to the 2nd. However, I still think both are great
  24. iBotPeaches


    I like it. I don't have any professional criticism though. I just like how its blurred on the sides, then the pokemon (is that psyduck?) just sits in the middle staring.
  25. Yep they said iBotModz, but its strange that a site called "modHalo" doesn't want to have a Johnson download on it.
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