He also played custom games, because theres no way theres a matchmaking game called o 1 flag pwn. My montage is all ranked, objective and slayer. However, my clips suck. lol
Talking about the tags in header? Its cause If I change the user color it goes there. Theres a long lengthy hack to do to fix it, im just to lazy to do it. Its like 25 file edits.
I've only used BlueHost and HostMonster. The cons to them is they don't allow file hosting. However speedy help, and rarely offline servers. Auto DDOS protection, so its pretty good.
Final saying. Since, I didn't see it happen. If the link to the website was in the post. 7 day ban. (Thats dumb, don't link to sites that are so sick like that) If the link was NOT in the post, and it was just a warning. Lift the ban.
I looked at your little movie torrent. Theres 2 seeders lol. Which means probably a max of 100kb between 2 people, assuming their torrenting other stuff. Your going to just have to wait, then you will be the 3rd seeder, then overtime there will be more. The automatic servers that download torrents, don't download files over 1 GB, which I assume that movie is so thats why the speed is lacking.
50 bucks? Too good to be true. What really happened to it? Frequent E 74 error? Perma ban? Upgrade loop? File system crashed? I can't wait till Buy/Trade/Sell section. These topics are popping up everywhere.
Staff moderation for new topics has been marked for VIP on IPB 3. New replies though are not monitored. With doing this, people need to check the moderation post feed a lot. To make sure topics don't sit there for hours.
So they played MLG till 30 kills then decided to pause their game to stage a kill? At the MLG level when you see a guy one shot you shoot twice and turn around, knowing that half a second later your bullets will kill him. Otherwise he missed the beatdown cause he was punching up.
Ram sticks fit into little pin headers. Unless you lifted a trace on the RAM stick itself that would be different for each one. Meaning I can provide a tutorial for installing a RAM stick, or I'm completely wrong and RAM on the 360 has to be soldered in.