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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. this calls for a new poll
  2. i dindnt do this for my post cout i was just bored and ill be making more plls just might think about it a little mor lol
  3. we will only find out if every one votes lol
  4. stop cheating fixed poll
  5. jmdalmighty

    Team Unix

    the virous was fake i think
  6. well this will be intresting
  7. awwh i thaught the were serious
  8. lol got u thare
  9. not working after the update it dosent work i tried downloadig it again but nothing
  10. amazing
  11. hater
  12. im just trying to help dont need to be a d**k head about it
  13. it did work and will continue to work as it dosent sign it tour profile or your 360 if u dont belive me there is a simple way of testing it if you have the golden clan tag delete the profile off ur hardrive then redownload it from xbl without downloding the save open cod and se if u have it
  14. no its not the only way to get golden clant tag is have the extra game save that u download and for the fact of having it but not buying the limited idetion it can be done my frien baught the limited idetion and after he redemed the code i put my memery card in his 360 and copyd it on then copied it tom my harddrive no modding required and it works for both of us also gave to third friend ive also done this with halo wars and other games
  15. cain i has hax forge system lol
  16. look in the help section or tortials section
  17. you should get banned im preaty sure that there is a rule that says no selling resigning serveces
  18. preaty racist why not white market or brown market im snitchin to obama lol just jokin
  19. cool i can follow
  20. jmdalmighty


    any of the new maps but not dune (big map dough) chang all wepen progectile (u dicide what to chang to) warthog with neon,tank balster thigy beeping horn makes rocket shoot flayable by passenger reskin too look cooler flayable pelican and other cool viechles may be character mod if u can to the marines thaks
  21. jmdalmighty


    well tru but waz hoping to get something specil just for me lol just want progectile swaps and viechele modz (its preaty cool i got a reply so quick)
  22. jmdalmighty


    hi i have never modded halo 2 before so i was wondring if some one could mod me a map so i could put it into my 360 and play it if some one pm's me that the would do it i will tell you what i woul like on it
  23. cod4 random greandes give me sad face especially when its a nub wit 3 grande perk juggernot + matadon + m16
  24. that sucks
  25. Could add mine http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=47357713 game type Made by Jmd Almighty, Gilgapher
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