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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. eventiualy if resarch is given out people will use it edit the downloaded content you never know unless u try
  2. if i i figeure it out i will so leak because it aint cool to keep resarch to ur self if you tell other it can help progress things and halo2 was not rouned it become 100000% better
  3. its a great idea
  4. i have the nokia n95 but might buy n96 or iphone http://www.harry-inc.com/wp-images/Nokia-N95.jpg
  5. call 360support
  6. if u want it so bad go talk to some one on 7 sins not advertising btw
  7. thanks it should get pinned lol
  8. online matchmaking or customs
  9. 30 seconds = modded B)
  10. i r confused
  11. yes
  12. if bungie know he did it why are u still perma baned
  13. ill have a look at my memery card today
  14. 33 good luck hope it works
  15. yes thats exectly right an no u cant use in match making
  16. yes i did read it and i think this topic is now just spam and flameing and should be locked
  17. lol wat if vip suck then what
  18. well it should because someone baught it and does work
  19. well still wating
  20. i have both lo i will (might) let peolple recover and copy file bbut all some one has to do is upload to internet then people can download into there hardrive because it not signed to any thing ther is no ned for reshaing and resigning
  21. look u tranffer the downloaded content and those spesfic content dont get signed to ur mechine or gt so theres no need for the license transfer
  22. lol love the song
  23. go V3NOM
  24. im only flamming him cause he got my polls moved by purpose
  25. suck a d ick kid
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