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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. no u did not as ther is one vote for not banning him and its urs
  2. yes ban the flammer i really hate him
  3. what noo the did not say that prove it and what disc
  4. no if a friend that u know has them plug ur memery cared into there 360 copy into memmry card and then onto ur 360 done it works i have done many time
  5. yes but they suck cause u cant use them online only for campaigin and (non ranked) skirshimesh matches
  6. the only way to get the other 3 maps are by buying them with halo3 odst le or wait abut 4 months afetr halo odst is relased when it will be buyable
  7. its possable to get it one way for free without modding but you need to have a memmery card and know someone who has it (hog) ill make a simple tut if u want if u can get those things
  8. youtube=free virison lol
  9. i want now ill trade fo devkit
  10. i waz uber happy wy u ruin it
  11. i wonder what bounus could be
  12. halo but i cant chang can mod ar admin change
  13. video of beta wat do u think real or fake
  14. can i haz one plz
  15. jmdalmighty


    no u can tell me what i do or post if a mod or admin tells me thats a diffrent story
  16. jmdalmighty


    if u have a problem with it stop posting and flamming like a *****
  17. jmdalmighty


    why dose it matter if u think there stupid to post in them i will still continue making mor polls
  18. jmdalmighty


    why dose it matter if u think there stupid to post in them i will still continue making mor polls
  19. jmdalmighty


    thanks for changing the title
  20. jmdalmighty


    if ur 16 or over =i6 or over under 16=under 16 now that u unerstand my job is done
  21. jmdalmighty


    highest so far
  22. jmdalmighty


    crap title was ment to say age but i cant change it
  23. jmdalmighty


    lets see how many little kids are here lol im 16 B)
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