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Everything posted by halodu03de

  1. I have only had my dev for 2 months and on top of that i had to fix it twice and I actually have a life. I don't give a s*** what you think anyways. You'll see once i have enough time to learn the stuff i need to know. Ill be making s*** to help people, but be assured that it wont be anyone like you who has been rude to me. Stop this ******** and leave this thread alone. I'm not coming back.
  2. ??? thats not mine
  3. Maybe depends on a lot of things
  4. 1. By saying "And believe it or not I definitely don't expect anyone to respect me more because I have a dev kit, but I expect them to be more respectful and stop being rude." I mean I don't want anyone to respect me more for the reason that I have a dev kit, but I would like them to at least be RESPECTFUL like everyone should be to complete strangers and by NOT BEING RUDE with the comments you are making. I don't want you respecting me as if I am better than anyone. 2. You said, "Anyone can get the xex of a game. You can just extract a game and the default.xex is right there. Nothing special. But you making an attempt at looking smart in front of others." By saying I have many xexs I am trying to say that I didn't get my dev just to mod halo and that I am interested in researching other games to (and not just playing them on a dev). 3. No s*** we have been doing it since halo PC times, but at least I am doing more than other people I know with devs, and I'm not posting anything about it anymore except for ONE video, which everyone else with a dev has done and more. Plus, quickkill is still trying to find unknowns and besides that no one else is doing anything so it's better than nothing. I'm not doing it to look smart I'm trying to get you to back off, and I know for a fact that you wouldn't even know or do as much as I do if you had a dev for as long as I have, or if most of the other people on this site did. I'm not trying to act cocky but you won't shut up and I don't know how to get you to stop flaming. I have had a mod team for a year. That was BEFORE most people here knew what usermap modding was or had a resigner. And I am aware of how I sound on the internet and I have been told that I sound much more immature on the internet, but I'm not the kind of person you are judging me as. Why don't you go flame other people with devs who don't do much work, and got it for other reasons besides research.
  5. Good job manipulating my words. That's not even close to what i meant. ummm it doesnt take much knowledge to edit the unknowns of a plugin and what the hell are you talking about. And i sound immature talking on the internet why don't you talk to me in chat and see how "immature" I sound or act.
  6. nothing ever comes out of topics here just arguements and s***
  7. I sold my ps3 and worked to make the money
  8. No expect people who don't know me to be a bit more mature and stop saying I'm full of s***. And believe it or not I definitly don't expect anyone to respect me more because I have a dev kit, but I expect them to be more respectful and stop being rude. By saying I have 9 xexs is me saying I don't only have halo on it like others I know. My comments may seem immature because I get pissed at people who judge people by who they "think" they are. I don't feel the need to release anything I've done because at the moment I am doing it for myself (such as completing tags) since I am still researching things people have already found and won't tell others how to do.
  9. Joker get off my account jerk I have 9 xexs and I'm not releasing research because I have seen first hand what people do with other peoples work.
  10. i have 3 xexs on my console halo3 halo 2 and halo wars im not just using it for halo 3 yah thats right im better then quickkill0 and Joker there both nubs and i hate them so screw you guys im out
  11. That's funny because you are $%#^%# pissing me off. I'm going to do something to shut you up your annoying. Btw, could you please show me your proof that I am this $%#^%# idiot you think I am that only uses my dev for halo 3. For one I don't even know you. two I don't even post research and three, could you tell me how many xexs I have on my dev and what I do with my dev? Not even joker or quick know half the things I do and apparently now I need to bring up some proof for little kids on the Internet trying to insult people when don't know s*** about about $%#^%# s***. @%#$ off or bring it on we can see who is really the $%#^%# idiot. Please PM me and get this over with.
  12. haha why do you still question weather or not its real? do you really need proof?
  13. True Dat.
  14. 8:16 v v v http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiYodch7rOo
  15. Nah I was just $%#^%# around
  16. Yeah i had em 24th and people had them before me
  17. it isnt illegal it was obtained illegally but that doesn't mean THE kit is illegal
  18. Then why did you put the legal issue quote in your message..... And i have a dev kit he has a reviewers but all im saying is this is simple and there isn't really a point in posting it no offense. and why the @%#$ does everyone think i got it to only mod halo 3. I am researching in halo 3 all the time and I currently don't have any money to buy a bigger hard drive for my dev so i only have 11GB and i only have halo 3 and halo wars on it theres no more room. you don't even $%#^%# know me >_>
  19. ^^ stfu you dont know what you're talking about ^^ and also my dev isnt even licensed so basically it doesn't exist
  20. ? Last time i checked it's not illegal to own a dev kit....
  21. because is makes it seem like he just got a kit for messing with halo 3 and for fame when other people could put it to better use and use it for what its meant for
  22. Yeah pretty funny when its a rocket..
  23. Haha its been possible for a long time. this isnt progress AT ALL. i knew how to do this before i got my dev..
  24. you shouldnt post it if its easy to do no offense but it seems like your just wanting fame for being able to do it
  25. It did?!
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