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Everything posted by halodu03de

  1. halodu03de


    The problem is the kid is 12 years old....
  2. halodu03de


  3. halodu03de


  4. halodu03de


    I don't think it had anything to do with a kv. He seemed pretty determined to get some pics from that kid.
  5. halodu03de


    Full convo: http://www.scribd.com/doc/33895827 Summary: http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/6390/jesterlmao.png
  6. Doob e snack doesnt know nearly enough about map files to help, nonetheless C#. Message me on aim and tell me what you know if you are interrested.
  7. You can extract and edit halo 3 models and bitmaps, which could be useful imported into another game too. edit: i might also make a submission thing to where people send me a screenshot of their edit and if its good ill make a video of it for them injected in the game.
  8. We are offering a chance for anyone who is greatly knowledgeable and skilled in the fields of Halo 3 or just Halo maps in general, and C# programming, a chance to help with a major project in Halo 3 modding. If you have these skills, and would like to be apart of this project that will vastly change the possibilities of halo 3 modding, contact me or quickkill in a PM or on AIM asap. If you would like to know of our progress, we're creating a tool for editing a new part of the maps in Halo 3, and we have the map structure almost completely mapped out including raw. AIM: Halodude: krt72012 Quickkill: xxdemonicknightx
  9. I know a lot compared to when I started C#
  10. Wow thanks for not saying something pointless. What SHOULD I make then now that I know most of the language.
  11. Because i made most of the stuff in it. I know its terrible code lol but it works. Also, I never felt like going back and cleaning up all the code towards the beginning of the app so the newer code is cleaned up.
  12. Well then we both did it similar ways >_> There arent many ways to do it and i doubt it is close to the same besides binary writer and binary reader. Idk who it is but at least my first app isnt a stupid webbrowser. Edit: Why does everything on this site have to be a flame war. If I say i ******* wrote the code then you should believe me.
  13. Maybe because its 20,000 lines.... Its my first app i doubt yours was better.
  14. DSS? And no i actually didn't use any of the source you gave me. If you're talking about your mainmenu editor I didn't even try to decompile it because i wanted to do it myself. Just because you think I would doesn't mean I did.
  15. I didn't even mean to release it, its my first app no shit its not gonna be amazing, and you don't have to use it I posted it for people who might be able to use it to help themselves.
  16. Alright thanks for your input. The settings don't reset they save it just doesn't show the current settings (In 1.4.1 I fixed that). The login can be disabled in the settings and I did obfuscate it, apparently its a bad obfuscator.... And what I mean by research is I got all the offsets and lengths for the stuff by myself, of course I didn't research the map file structure.
  17. Most in VB I started C# and converted some of it. Good for you. Everyone I showed it to before release loved it. Thanks for the constructive criticism asshole.
  18. Hows this look: http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh1/halodu03de/blackdfb.png
  19. I might make it open source when it's out of beta. Otherwise if you are going to decompile it don't spread the source please.
  20. It has a webbrowser in it because its made so you can multitask. Plus it was the first part of it I made to start learning VB. It's actually really good and does a lot of stuff normal webbrowsers in VB don't. And if theres a feature you don't like you can just move the tab or right click and click hide. If you want something in it let me know it's not final and it's still a beta.
  21. Screenshots was made by me in C#. CONFinder is his. There isn't even a rehasher in it..... The resigner definitely isn't his because I got it from the person who made it... The LIVE viewer just shows the name and that is simple binary reader stuff.... There isn't a film editor in it and when there was before it deleted itself, it was one I made after you put yours in there and it didn't work correctly. CON Finder isn't even a main part of it... I made the screenshot extractors, both of them....with my own research, I made all of the dev tools with my own research, I made the CON editor and the webbrowser (which isnt that much but its got tabs and bookmarks and stuff that took a long time to type up and it is what I made to start off my learning of VB), and everything else that has my name in the top right corner of the tab I made. All this for my FIRST app meant to be a multitasking app/AIO which means it contains other people's apps (and the ones internally were open source). If you don't like it you don't have to keep flaming, just go away. It's not even meant for release besides the auto updater I made.
  22. =) Let me know if there is anything you want me to add.
  23. The CON finder and the namef source are all I used. I didn't give credit to the people who made the external apps because that's a lot of people plus I edited it to fit my needs and it was open source. If you want your name in for helping me in the beginning like rogue I guess I'll give you credit but the only code part is the namef thing to launch apps from the resources.
  24. You helped me a bit in the beginning but ill give you credit if you want. EDIT: Retail tools are the AIO part i didnt say i made everything in the app...
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