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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. T3A guy

    700 Posts

    Congratulate me by clicking all of my eggs.
  2. http://elizabethcarroll.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/bottled-water.jpg
  3. Thats pretty.
  4. I didn't say it had to be that big. I just said that was the max because that is the max sig size in IPB3.
  5. T3A guy

    What game?

  6. T3A guy

    campaign save

    No where.
  7. $2.02
  8. T3A guy


  9. T3A guy


  10. T3A guy

    funny convos

  11. T3A guy


    Me too. I think it is pretty funny, and true.
  12. 2014 moo...
  13. It will still be about a week before they hit it.
  14. yo dawg i heard you like justrec so i put a banana in a lamp so you can pee while you snowboard
  15. Yes, if you had a demo kit then you would be able to mod .map with construct, but I wouldn't suggest buying one.
  16. T3A guy


    dont wet your diapers justrec
  17. Not allowed in the regular section. Don't bump old topics. Don't spam. Welcome to the site
  18. What
  19. It only lets me do three people. If it let me do four or if I weren't such good friends with boosie you would be in it
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. I liked the part where they saved the cat.
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