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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

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  7. Post twice, see what happens.
  8. I got some people in the shoutbox to visit my profile page and none of their names showed up.
  9. Do our sigs reappear on the second page?
  10. Jebus?
  11. I don't like that. Make it so we have our sig show up each time please.
  12. T3A guy

    funny convos

    LMAO, that was me and caboose messing with him.
  13. No, its homo.
  14. Need to be larger.
  15. No
  16. Has to be a picture of an object. Sorry.
  17. Okay guys, my math assignment is to graph an object. I was wondering what picture I should graph. Post some for me please. Here is an example of an appropriate picture. http://www.devilgraphics.com/duck/duck.gif Here is an example of what I can't do. http://fohn.net/duck-pictures-facts/mallard-duck.jpg It doesn't have to be a sketch, but it has to be simple. Like this: http://www.greenbriar.district28.k12.il.us/Units/Duckumentary/images/RosaDuck.gif
  18. T3A guy

    700 Posts

  19. T3A guy

    Random Box

    I don't have either of those addons unless they come with.
  20. T3A guy

    700 Posts

  21. T3A guy

    Random Box

    Are you jk? The big box at the bottom of firefox.
  22. T3A guy

    700 Posts

    Epic fail.
  23. T3A guy

    Random Box

    How do I remove this? http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/9128/prtscrcapturez.jpg
  24. Can we get a serious answer?
  25. T3A guy

    700 Posts

    I'll catch you.
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