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Everything posted by artsoto

  1. Yea i know that i just hurry upload it but every1 know wat it looks like and wat it does by now!
  2. Nice.. i made Pink,Purple,White
  3. this was my first account i ever had at Ibm along time ago i go on this one my friend said stupid stuff on that accoutn so its jacked up w/people hating it... and i 4got the account info but i remember it now
  4. Nxe Props MOntage/Slideshow video
  5. Can some1 remove this out of this topic i put it in off-topic http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/15883-anybody-good-at-gfx-logos/
  6. Hey this is artsoto and im wondering if some1 can make a GFX for me i want the text to be SoTo HaTeS BNG post reply if you can and some examples of stuff!
  7. So Easy a CaveMan can do it lol jk thats pretty good well done
  8. Sweet! i like Longshore te Best what about you Guys?
  9. We'll that wrong my Gamertag should be in there somewere lol + Rep for CooKie
  10. OK i get it Thanks
  11. Nice so all you do its just Replace the Item??
  12. Haha lol
  13. Welcome. Lostmodz26
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFkpuAk84r4 SUBSCRIBE IF YOU WANT!!
  15. artsoto

    Modded Gamertag?

    Thats why i hate modders im a modder but fags who never release crap!
  16. artsoto

    Modded Gamertag?

    Can any1 post a tutorial on how to mod a gamertag i know its hard and challeging but people have done it so im just seeing if any 1 out there haz done it.??..??..
  17. NICE! Mr.Joe
  18. Well this is OFF-TOPIC!
  19. Any1 have a Halo 2 For Vista CD KEY I NEED ! REALLY Bad...
  20. Nice tutorial
  21. artsoto

    90 mod apps

    Nice does it work?
  22. NICE!
  23. Which July 31 it will now be Xboxgamefiles.org
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