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Everything posted by artsoto

  1. Your dad is weird its not stealing wat you mean you order it from them so tell me how its stealing
  2. Get a Free Transfer Cable...
  3. Hey lets play a game to see if we can get 500 post on here and you may not double post you can only post one thing or your eliminated read rulez 1.you may not post 2 reply/quote watever you wanna call it 2wice. 2.post something. 3.if it gets to 500 post then you can do watever you want after that lolz IF YOU WOULD LIKE + REP THX i may not post another thing cause i posted this i will put the people on a list of doubler posters DOUBLE POSTERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  4. This is not from yur Program it was be4 that so chill man it has been every the first day it was leaked
  5. Yea my dad has the car i got some codes ill Pm them to you once he gets home later or 2marrow
  6. 4 me it works fine idk wat the Problem is for you
  7. Wow.. i post one thing and others get + rep off of the Topic
  8. artsoto


    Kool! can i come lol sounds like a Fun trip Good Luck with your Research
  9. I havent played it but heard about it Brutal Legend Here is some Gamplay:
  10. ive stuck with Mafia Wars the past week ill try Mob Wars thoe
  11. What is your Mafia Wars Rank? im only a lvl 15 haha want me to be in your mafia then send me friend invite then invite me 2 ur mafia thx http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1018629832&ref=profile
  12. If i get some then ill give them to you
  13. nice 1k post :D:D:D::D:D::DD
  14. go to xblhackers.com i sold nova iz supaa there look at a forum so yea NOVA IZ SUPAA IS SOLD!
  15. C) This is legit, but your just retarded.
  16. lolz hey ill scan UB3RMOD my bad wrong file
  17. Umm.. ok i didnt feel like Buying a Rapdishare acc or anything so i just upload it to Filefront.com you got a problem
  19. Hi im a trusted seller i will only accept paypal cause its trusted IM SELLING 2 accounts for now SoTo HaTeS BNG- 49 in halo 3 46k gamerscore---- $10.00 NoVa iZ SuPaa--50 in halo 3 has a 40+ in almost everything 34kGamerscore----$20-25.00 PROOF: NoVa iZ SuPaa-- http://www.bungie.ne...a+iZ+SuPaa&sg=0 SoTo HaTeS BNG----- http://www.bungie.ne...+HaTeS+BNG&sg=0 if you are interested AIM ME: Themodder32 for more info thx
  20. Itz not dude it shows up with your crapy virus total.... BUT ITS NOT DONT BELIEVE ME DUDE IDC REALLY
  22. This program will come up as a VIRUS I SWEAR ITS NOT A VIRUS!! 1. Download it Open it run it then done turn off anti virus due to me not knowing how to make it pop up as virus REPEAAT I SWEAR THIS IS NOT A VIRUS! or Trojan run it if it does not work then msg me also this is a modding program its like Easy mod.dothalo but with all mod features updates will be applyed Download:*FU ITZ A BOT*
  23. LOL im going to help him right now maybe
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