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Everything posted by artsoto

  1. some cool pics
  2. for how much bro
  3. old but cool
  4. so gm supose 2 be about what
  5. cool
  6. masterchief
  7. lol
  8. bungie bungie bungie
  9. and also wheres mine at bro?]
  10. like a halo 2 mod were u jump gravo freakin high high in the air 4 infectoin
  11. it is its not a good 1
  12. thats kinda old u know i have it
  13. is there a possible way of mod all lights turned off and sun is dark on foundary
  14. omg thhats tight
  15. a grunt on a mod no lets see that
  16. the show 08
  18. bungie is not leting me download them
  19. yes because i want 2 become a modder
  20. a if u can can u have phantom or scarab
  21. a can anybody tell me the stuff ineed 2 mod please!!
  22. my gamertag is disciplesoto
  23. dude sweet i cant wait 4 that 2 come out
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