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Everything posted by artsoto

  1. artsoto


    no i hate harry Potter
  2. ok so wat i do i just get the maps and just regulary put them in there thats it..
  3. No Advertising on the Site someone Lock this!
  4. Nice..but old but a tutorial with this that finally is voice tut
  5. ODST OWnZ Recon
  6. Haha i have had this account and no i just didnt like then name on it its stupid and im just sticking to this account
  7. I Agree but for people who want to do for wat they do they can have the right to do that so dont make fun of or say its out of date it is but let them do at they want to do
  8. this is super DUMB! unless 1.you dont have a capture card. 2.get 1,600 ms points everyday. 3.iF its and EMERGENCY! (which i dont see how it would be)
  9. Forge 2.6 is a great n00b source but for me HxD i like it better and i never used forge be4 and i never will but thx anyway
  10. Nice! Items but not thx
  11. Sword is nice just make a longer video w/long mod
  12. Haha no Pargy
  13. I'm wondering how i get -1 rep for making a point haha thats sad that you gave me -1 rep just making a point
  14. No i Fixed it its Clickable and im posting pics here in lil bit when i get chance
  15. hmmm im not a n00b at modding but when it comes to h2 transfering different maps i am so can u help then i will play
  16. oOps Fail! Fix the app caboose
  17. artsoto

    Quick question

    There is a way click the link you can buy one http://www.xploder.net/xbox-360/products/206/Xbox-360-USB-Memory-Card-Transfer-cable-For-PC-to-MU.htm
  18. Haha wats up with a video turning into who can make the best picture
  19. Hmmm. Why not nominate the Great Peaches??
  20. Hmmm...ok i guess i really dont get the point? anyone know wat the point is of doing this?
  21. Stop modding Films when ODST comes out Advice it will be pointless mod achievmetns to get recon instead wasting time putting 03 03 03 03 or 03 03 03 08
  22. Ok everyone in this world get - ReP its life~ welcome to life 360!
  23. hmm... kool
  24. www.filefront.com/14269707/h2_brute_ghost.tif
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