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Everything posted by artsoto

  1. oh.... :\ that sucks cuz i just wanna get into one!
  2. if anyone at this site has a JTAG and host Unlock Lobby's can invite me.. i already have 10th prestige i just want gold eagle nd spinning elmblem so if yu can invite me for free then here is my gamertag send me a msg or invite.. Gamertag: SoTo RuNz XbL
  3. hey is there a way i can do Iso modz online without softmodded xbox360?? and were can i get the Iso if so?
  4. I kno this sounds n00bish but is there a way i can get like super speed mod nd super jump without a JTAG??
  5. Haha yeah im not gonna go on here really anymore cuz yu all hate me lol
  6. Yes, i am back and better at modding nd all that lol banned for about 3 months now back yes i kno yu all will still hate me Happy Hatings Thanks, SoTo
  7. You have no proof for number 2 and #3 dude you have no proof either fune site hate me just do it you have dont it e4 just ruin this rep pargy jeese
  8. Dude omg are u serious i boosted why would i waste my time you hate me thats why you put that and also i dont copy and paste tuts i have dont legit tuts i only copyed and pasted 2 tuts and i gave the person credit man wow something is wrong with you
  9. Hey this is a tutorial on how to mod Borderlands Exp.,Money,and other stuff Tutorial: -Download this program: BorderLandsSaveEditor.exe -Open up your Explorer 360 -Go to your Profile and go to the folder Labeled-This is the folder ID for Borderlands is 545407E7 -Drag it to your Desktop or were ever it doesnt matter -Then you open up the program that you downloaded then you open up your Gamesave -Then you can change teh lvl exp money etc. also (AMMO) Then you just Save it -After you saved it dont put it back in Explorer 360 YOU MUST REHASH AND RESIGN OR IT WONT WORK I REPEAT YOU MUST REHASH AND RESIGN OR IT WONT WORK... -After yu rehashed and resigned you put it back in then go to Borderlands and have FUN... Thanks and if it helped or you liked it or you wanna share it +rep and give me credits for this tut thx
  10. I didnt steal this i was logged into my iTz SoTo my accident when i posted it up TUTORIAL: 1.The folder ID for Borderlands is 545407E7. 2. Copy and Open up your "Save000_.sav" file for your character. 3. Search the file for the Hex equivalent (Use a Decimal to Hex Calculator) of the current max capacity of your backpack. This value is generally located just after your last "ammopool" and rigth before the first item item in your backpack identified as, ""gd_itemgrades" in the gamesave. Example: If your backpack can hold 12 items, then you would search for "000C" in Hex. If you find multiple results, of which none are located in the same area (ASCII text field) as shown in the video, you can try adding more blank bytes of "00" in the front of your search to narrow the results. Example: "000000OC". 4. Replace this value with whatever you want your max capacity to be, but it cannot be higher than "FFFF", which is 65,535 (decimal). - IMPORTANT: If you make it any higher, the game and console will FREEZE when you load the game and go into the Inventory screen to view your backpack. - Even if you max out the backpack, you can still repair Claptraps, and do the backpack upgrades without the game freezing!
  11. Thanks peaches. Sorry.
  12. Why? I clearly said I didn't make this, I also said +rep If i helped. Not to automatically give me rep cuz I posted something I found.
  13. Wow, Looks great should of signed up.
  14. I did not make this. First- Start gow2 go into a local match and do one wave of horde. When you complete the wave copy down the amount of exp you have, the number on the bottom right. make sure you go back to lobby when you finish the wave. Second-Connect your hardrive to your computer using a transfer cable. Go to partition 3 than content. click on every folder until you find your profile. if this is not clear to you just google it on how to get your profile from the hdd. Oh yeah if u dont know which one is yours go to your dasboard than memory and user profiles look at yours and how much megabytes it is. If you dont understand this look up another tut online Third- Download a hxd hex program. open your profile with it and then go to hexadecimal conversion, convert decimal to hexadecimal-- once there put your EXP(the one you just got in the horde match . put it with out the commas.) in the convert tab. then click to hexadecimal. then you will get a hex code. My code was 2483b3(if you get a number that is like 31b3 a four digit number put two zeros behind it) . So then you go back in hex workshop and click find then put in the code you got mines is 2483b3. when you find it and theres more than one found look for gow2 next to the right of everything it found. Fourth- Go to GOW2 Ranking Calculator click on launch calculator and get the experience required for the rank you want if you want a 80 put current level 1 and desired level 80 then copy the EXP with out the commas . Then return to hexadecimal conversion, convert decimal to hexadecimaland put in the exp you just got for the level 80. Copy the code it gives you.. then go to her x workshop and write over your experience code with the one you just save it . once done use hash block calculator rehash and resign with modio. inject back into your hdd. Start your XBOX offline than play a local game than connect lo live +rep if this helped
  15. I have added up the Full tutorial Now.
  16. First, you will need to be bridged host. Download: Auto Team Standby Cain and Abel and http://download.cnet.com/ZoneAlarm-Pro/3000-10435_4-10797433.html 1. When ready, have Auto Standby open already, and input UP: .7, DOWN: 1 for now. http://i30.tinypic.com/fn8whi.jpg 2. Then, while in game (and host), press start: http://i25.tinypic.com/30rqgpj.jpg 3. Then, go to your Zone Alarm, and click on the firewall tab: http://i32.tinypic.com/2qt8iyw.jpg 4. It should start moving by itself, you and also move it with the UP and DOWN arrows on your keyboard. If you go into black screen, press down on the arrow key so your tab is moving from Off-to-Med. If you need to set it at a high speed, may sure you press stop first, and then change the auto-standby times to your likings. Taken from Se7enSins If this helps Please give me a +rep.
  17. Seems like a pretty sick mod!
  18. is this there youtube: www.youtube.com/ibotmodzdotnet
  19. Dude its not stealing you dont say your using it for HDD you just say i want a Free Transfer Cable thats it
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