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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. lamo
  2. plz remove lagggy doulbe post thingy sry
  3. i haz 2 gigs of ram will it slow that down??
  4. oh now i get "kd" i thought it was randomness now i know it was 4 krupt data i removed it
  5. hay i want a 1337 sig my idea is master ch33f flying drinking red bull like the commecal but with master cheif and elites on ground and master ch33f says red bull gives u wings so some plz do it 4 me plz plz plz thxs btkc
  6. sounds like a good new system people who are very importend will get VIP instead of people with 200 posts witch may or may not be any good posts i fear it will be easley cheated, people will make more and more accounts or is there a plan 2 fix dat
  7. BTKC124

    Need a recorder

    i do have a capture card but i have never used it be4 i can help but i may not be the best 4 the job
  8. i know that btw. also i did not think you were being a b*^#@ if that was addressed 2 me if it was to peachs ignore my prevous sentense.
  9. ok i will post it portable ( witch i will make and when finished ill uoload ) but i thought the same and realy its in the start menu hope that helps
  10. i know modio was posted b4 but when it was posted b4 in had like 2 apps and now he has added like 5 so i thought id re-post it for the people who did not download it b4 soo... people who did not download it b4 cause they did not have the games it modded now may download it but if this was not posted they woundent and honeslty gabe's is better but less noob proof and name 1 360 modding app what has been updated more than once and also i dont realy care at all about vip 2.0 i know ill never get it! i know some of my posts messy and mespilled but deal with it!
  11. Cod 4 campain modder {Modio} hay found a cod 4 campain modder more n00b proof than others not by me Cannot Be Displayed DL works 4 me but if it doent work 4 you dont blame me
  12. COD 5 SAVE MODDER V2 _________________________________________ Notes by Cheat912, it Mods COD5 campain Saves. there are other mod tools out there but i belive this has by far most features. Here is a diffrent tool if u dont like this one {Modio} _________________________________________ Useing it When modding ANYTHING on the right side, it has to stay the same number of digits. So if your editing "jump height" and it is "100" you cant have "1000" or "10" or any other number witch has more or less than the digits it origanly had or it will be currept. Simpily Keep The Same number of Digits ( applys to everything else on the right side witch you can edit, for the second time ) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_03_2009/msg-1533-1235928184.png ------ i Have not tested after TU2, TU2 did mess modio up, so if it is not working just remove your updates by using This ~Smoki if you still cant get it too work use Modio Because they patched that. _________________________________________ Pictures http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_03_2009/msg-1533-1235926772_thumb.png _________________________________________ Videos Dont Think All Used This Tool, But It Still Gives An Example. Cannot Be Displayed ------ Cannot Be Displayed ------ Cannot Be Displayed ------ Cannot Be Displayed _________________________________________ Downloads Original DL <- original DL, This DL is Not Working IBotModz DL <- Download By ME. MegaUpload DL <- Download By ME. Media Fire DL <- Download By ME. FileFactory DL <- Download By ME. RapidShare DL <- Download By ME. Will only be able to download 10 times AND it will be removed in 90 Days. FileUpper DL <- Download By ME. __________________________________________ Back up Links (ignore) "http://nvsx.net/" "http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?act=attach&type=msg&id=3960" "http://www.megaupload.com/?d=s8e9jnr5" "http://www.mediafire.com/file/ytgzygz1kz1/CoD%20WaW%20Save%20Modder.rar" "http://www.filefactory.com/file/af3be3b/n/CoD_WaW_Save_Modder_rar" "http://rapidshare.com/files/204092485/CoD_WaW_Save_Modder.rar.html" "http://fileupper.com/QSDJNCFP8GWL/CoD_WaW_Save_Modder.rar.html" __________________________________________ Credits Post Written : BTKC124 Program : Cheat912 Download Links : BTKC124. Original link By Cheat912, But He Removed it So All Now Working Links BY BTKC124. Videos : GameTuTs, ZACHisBEAST1, HCgamersProductions, xXHitmanPicturesXx Pictures : BTKC124 __________________________________________
  13. ok thanks i will try to find it but i probley wont
  14. This is simpley amazing!!! i am in shock, just thinking about how long it would take to discover!!! Can you plz but a tut on modding your items so like you could have every things!!!
  15. Thanks Smoky i went to best buy and thats what they recemned but i wanted 2 think about so i did not get i will get the same one u has (=
  16. DAMN RIGHT!! i am going to bedt buy and buying the most expensive router in the world (= that ill show da hoe who boss, ME (= NOT IT )=< and if it does not ill hire bill gates lol
  17. BTKC124

    Modded Film

    this is pointless and stop post boosting and if you are still going 2 at least dont flame; not to menchen resected members
  18. looks way to cramped can you even move the mogoose? LOL Good try but next time try to stay to one topic like a race track and NOT; half a race track and half of a map of randomness overflowing onto the racetrack, therefor making both usless, boring and doll. it onestley looks like you were building a race track and after 5 minutes got board and started to rush THAN you just wanted to finsh so you placed 100 spawn points randomley and modded it. also what took longer making the map or making the post?
  19. Thx for making this. It seams realy handy [=
  20. i was not aware the mythic was coming out in 2 parts i heard that couple maps on h3 odst and a couple dlc but i never believed it. eather way all what matters to me is, when! lol
  21. ya that does not work eather also i cant add the ports to the upnp also when i entre the posts in virteal sever some times they dont show but if i refresh they will
  22. BTKC124

    Far Cry 2

    Venom, isint this research? nobody knows almost anything now? i think it would be kewl to modz! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/style_images/23blackcry1230066946/folder_post_icons/icon1.gif iBOTfarcrymodz.net anyone
  23. loled
  24. ya its at 1500 still nothing )'= also i tried 9999 and it said it could only be between 200 - 1500
  25. Can Someone please help me open my NAT Hello, my router has be working for a almost a year untill i moved )=. sitting in a box for 2 months until i deside to standby in gow 2 so i set up cain and zonealarm everythings going good for about 2 days then my NAT came strict. i did not realy care about brigeing so i did a derict feed for my xbox 2 modem. later i wanna brige, keep restartins my router and my NAT opens i brige and like 2 games later my NAT goes strick. ( i did not edit anything ! ) now i cant get it open even for a minute. so i was hoping if someone could help... i have tryed -opening ports ( done correctley ) -restoring to factory defalts -restating it -DMZ plz someone help i have a D-Link "DI-524" Thanks !
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