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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. Bulk image Converter By Slade73 _______________________________________________________________________________ >> Convert images in a directory of One type to another type << > Change all .Gif images on your desktop to .ico ( Example ) < > Works With the following image types: < > BMP, EMF, EXIF, GIF, ICO/ICON, JPG/JPEG, PNG, TIF/TIFF, and WMF. < _______________________________________________________________________________ http://i.d.com.com/i/dl/media/dlimage/16/71/99/167199_large.jpeg _______________________________________________________________________________ DOWNLOAD
  2. Who Gives ? Post it! if he was a "REAL" modder he would not sell it and releasse it for free in vengense of microsoft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  3. yungbol and FE whats the issue??? I do not get the thing about leaking... but still i would not leak. this is the only modding site i care about and post on. >> 1 post on BS. bTw
  4. BTKC124 for VIP ! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i was wournding if i could have VIP? i know it is a lot to ask and there may be more diserving people out there...but i have been Ibotmodz since april 28 2008, i have tried to be regulary active and usaly i am. i have 223 posts. i have tryed to help everyone i could and doing so, i have made several tutorials, i post apps that could be summerized in about 20 words and i make it into about 200 words, for awhile i made sigz for people.i have made one program, i used Dark slipstreams source and it was the "ibotmodz resigner!" **i will admite that in a couple of my posts there a but copy and pasty but they come from serveal resorces makeing them more "UBERish"** So as you can see i am the perfect pick!!!! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Some of my best posts! CoD Tool CoD 5 Save Modder How To Record And Take Pictures Of Your Computer Screen Without A Capture Card! Downloading youtube videos to your ipod Ibotmodz resigner Want an animated sig Thanks
  5. LOL XD
  6. Thanks KD I Will Update the credits as soon as i get home (March 11)
  7. CoD Tool By : Cheat912 ______________________________ About CoD Tool is a program for Windows only that mods Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty: World at War saved games. It features over 35 options for each game that may be used in single player or Co-Op. http://codtool.com/CoDTool.jpg ______________________________ DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD 1 DOWNLOAD 2 ______________________________ F A Q When I Load it i get an error? WTF it must be broken!!! No, Nothing is wrong with your computer or the program. you just need .Net Framework 3.5. you can get it here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en is this the first version? No it is not. \/ Link to old version \/ http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=11388 _____________________________ Credits Cheat912 For Making it. unknow v2 & Gabe_k for Helping yungbol & caboose >>> http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=10098 _____________________________ Legal THIS IS A DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE "CODE OF CONDUCT". YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ANY ACTIONS YOU TAKE ARE YOUR CHOICE. IBotModz , All members of iBotmodz and BTKC124 Are NOT responsable For Any effect of this program . Meaning, That if you get banned from Xbox Live For Violateing "Xbox Live Terms of Use" OR/AND "Code of Conduct" (i.e. Modding, Standbying, Hacking ect.) We Are Not Responsable....Do Not worry too much. ( That Also includes any other reason for a ban ) Code of Conduct | Xbox Live Terms of Use
  8. i am not a member of that site! i do not surport it thats why i am here
  9. Thanks Dark True Pal it is "gamesave made easy" http://img02.picoodle.com/img/img02/3/2/15/f_LearntoGamem_0cc942a.jpg it was posted on s7
  10. Will someone with a rapidshare premium account download this and upload it on ibotmodz please i have been wanting this for a long time... Please http://rapidshare.com/files/198361959/GSME.zip
  11. Good Tut Now when all my friends ask how to get a transfer cable a will link them here 2 bad when i orderd my cable i did not have this mind you it was a long time ago.
  12. i had a felling when you started warning people with profiles under 2mb thay it might not work and i have a 5mb profile... EPIC PHAIL
  13. it is 5MB
  14. The Rehasher and resigner i use is modio will that work with a 5Mb Profile
  15. kool i awleys wanted something like this What rehasher should i use???
  16. i dont think they can tell. unless u get offline and like 5 minutes later get back on with 1000 gs but since your gamer tag is in your profile they might ban you even if you get 1000gs in cod waw legit Also i heard they dont Ban For gamerscore cheating just reset it. i realy dont know thats what i heard... i would wait for other people to reply.
  17. Thxs 4 The Dl Links they will be my fist mythic maps i play (=
  18. Kool i Dont underStand any thing but the worm things XD In Time... I Will
  19. V3NOM Give It Back but use your Xport it 2 your PC upload it So Then You Can Still log on it ThereFor Every Body can download the maps via Xport and he has his account back. he will change his info. still allowing him to keep the account, you to log on 2 it and everybody can still download them via Xport Kinda Like A SPG With a Live Account. i kinda LOL @ that Major Loser, BullSh1T. LMAO Can I HaZ Teh MyThiC MaPs Did You get that gamerPic 4 Splatering Some1 with a tank??
  20. Thanks So much i want them sooo bad. XD
  21. Naa they fixed the with TU2 now you would only get RRoD.
  22. Thanks for the heads up i would have probley waited another 10 years (=
  23. bballer1092 What if you instaled it normaly contued pass that and now it is like 3 days later... is there any other way? and i can not find patch.exe?
  24. How about Windows Blinds and LogonStudios? please EDIT: Wow I posted it in wrong topic sorry and can some one remove this
  25. i tryed to upload it but all i could find was shortcuts?
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