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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. Thanks Smoki i <3 IT
  2. EDIT : Never Mind
  3. No V3NOM i help because people need help.
  4. thanks T3A guy i thought it was PB3 for post board 3. LOL i fail
  5. can some one please make me a sig. I Dont realy care what it looks like but i want my name in it (Duh) and maybe some thing that is kinda looks like this style. ( CoD : MW 2 ) http://ve3dmedia.ign.com/images/04/42/44282_orig.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/generated/49caf9fa0f1b7_featured_without_text_cod6.jpg Thanks
  6. i Know, but i have wanted it for a LOOOOOOOONG time and when 200 posts were in affect 4 vip i was at 190 then it change which made me want it more. And i have been going crazy over the last couple months 4 PB3 to come out and its probley going 2 be a couple more months.
  7. I Think with PB3 comes out there should b two ways in VIP 1) The REP System : idk anything about it but the staff do and i support it. 2) Buying in : If you have 250 posts and if you donate 10$ via paypal u can get in. and there reason for 250 posts is that not anyone can get in potential leaking it. Tell me what u think
  8. Sry i found this post by veiwing his/her profile.
  9. Cool, Where is the DL
  10. Ok thats what i thought but i heard that all themes were pxs or what ever the initials are
  11. ok Exculding Con Can u in any way make a useable Premium theme
  12. A Premium Theme ? If Not no
  13. BTKC124

    Who wants a sig

  14. ohhhhhh i get it nao The Heretic hog (FlameHog) & Wraith (Hournor gurde wraith) you get them in halowars 4 halo wars
  15. OHHHH by walls you mean wallpaper like the orginal 1 had And if so it will make the avatar stupid stage thing invisable?
  16. BTKC124

    Who wants a sig

    Can i please have a uber smexy 1 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  17. Sadly No. Maybe in a couple months Because We At Bungie Know that are Maps Suck SOOOOOO much that if we released them when they were done that no one would buy them soo we wait a little while and build up the hype, Add some achments, And Spend Countless Hours Posting updates on B.Net about the price and the release date even though we change it almost ever hour For The Latest News Go to Bungie.net
  18. i also played on a new map I dont Think it is a good as the other maps that came with the game. I Blame Budget Cuts they realy should not of split with microsoft
  19. I Picked To Re Make headlong. Actuality i Pick Dark Slipstream Because the 3 times i have seen him in the shoutbox i have been Banned From The ShoutBox and like 2 days later i make a post for some1 to un ban me
  20. its k thanks anyways
  21. YungBol i first heard About Live Themes Being Able To Be Con Themes From You. Soo Do you Have Any CON Premium Themes ? Thanks
  22. Thanks, Btw Do you Know there Folder ID?
  23. I am trying to make a theme but i dont know how to resign a Live Theme to a CON ? And If Anyone Justs Has a CON theme lieing around could they upload it Please?
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