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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. BTKC124

    Hack Test

    Could i haz level 1 Ancewer and Then i could work backwords and try to figure out how u got that ancewer? [:
  2. BTKC124

    Hack Test

    i am on level 1337. acitly i was on level 1 untill i tossed my laptop and broke it ]: so now i am on mai tower.
  3. w00t double posting for the win ya me living in canada as well, i know canadain crayols suck. Btw How does talking about your stuck topics b4 getting in vip have to de with shooting twan for crayols??
  4. FE LOL JUST LOL Btw can i put that in my sig?
  5. i Agree ( = Btw Should i add this ?
  6. Yep, And we call them staff. 4Sure but its sad with halo 3 modding dieing almost all the people left on ibotmodz are staff/vip. and about 75 % of members who come on is 2 spam.. ) : Btw i am not trying to brag about having a topic stuck.
  7. LOL'D @ Athrun Zala post ya Dan i never thought it would be this big... and its only been 2 days And Almost every topic i see stuck was typed out properly therefor it has to be written by VIP/Staff......LOL
  8. OMG Thanks soo much smoki Am i the first member to get a topic stuck. by member i mean like staff, VIP, members, mods, sub admins ect
  9. if u belive this i have a brige 2 sell 2 you ? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/style_images/23blackcry1230066946/folder_editor_images/rte-emo-button.png
  10. Halo Wars Ranks and Skill Levels Explained Halo Wars has a couple different ways of tracking our players history from matchmade, public games. Some we use primarily to get you good games, others are more oriented to helping players rank themselves against the community. Lets go through each of them: Player Trueskill⢠This is the standard Xbox LIVE Trueskill⢠tracking value that rates players to help match them in competitive games. We use this only for matchmaking and we use it for all matchmade games. We track a separate Trueskill⢠value for each of the different Halo Wars hoppers you can play in. So you if are great at 1v1 Standard but just getting started playing 2v2 Deathmatch games - then you will be matched with similar skill level opponents in those different games. Also for team games, we average your skill with everyone else on your team - so you don't have to worry about the skill level of the party host versus everyone else on the team - everyone's skill is taken into account. These Trueskill⢠levels are meant only to help get our players the best matched game for all our different hoppers - but if you are ever curious about your level, you can always check it out under Multiplayer | Leaderboards. Select a Leaderboard Type of "MP Skill" and set the Filter to "Pivot" (that means "Find me in the list!"). You can also see the Trueskill⢠value being used during matchmaking - right after the countdown starts you will see in the middle of the screen "Party TrueSkill⢠Rank X". X will be the Trueskill⢠level averaged for the entire party (if the party is just you, then that is your exact Trueskill⢠level). If you are interested in more detail about how this is calculated, here are the details: TrueSkill⢠Ranking System Skill Level While the Xbox LIVE TrueSkill⢠values are what help us get you good matches for each hopper, we also have our servers track a global skill value for you as well. If you look up on the website, the Player Stats for yourself (or any other player), right under your gamer tag is your Skill Level . That is a value between 1 and 50 for how skilled you are at playing competitive Halo Wars games. We calculate that on the Halo Wars servers with the stats from each matchmade game you play. Note that just like for the Player Trueskillâ¢, if a player leaves early through any means (turning off the box, exiting the game, resigning, etc ) then the system will count that as a loss. Score Skill level isn't always the best way for tracking a player experience with the game, so we also keep a total running score of all multiplayer, matchmade games you have played. As this global score for a player goes up, we award the players various ranks to reflect their experience with the game. See the Rank section below to see what total score is needed for the various ranks. To find your score (and rank), in game go to the multiplayer menu and select Service Record | Skirmish. Note that one of the best ways to boost your score per game is to complete the game (as opposed to resigning or disconnecting). While you get a 40% bonus if you win, you also get a 20% bonus if you just complete the game. On team games if you are defeated, the award happens right then - not at the end of the game - so you don't need to wait around in that game unless you want to watch the action. Rank Rank | Score Needed Recruit Play | 1 Game Lieutenant | 80,000 Captain | 200,000 Major | 400,000 Commander | 800,000 Colonel | 1,600,000 Brigadier | 2,400,000 General | 3,200,000 by Aloysius http://www.halowars.com/news/devblog/archi...-Explained.aspx
  11. To True Gabe, Too True
  12. It would be a little unfair to just post it in VIP since as of now there is no way to get in VIP. I know PB3 is spose to come out soon but it was sposed to orginaly come out in like november.
  13. ok v3nom what should i remove and put in hournor mentions? oh heres this http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=11707
  14. i will add that too
  15. @ GMOF adding it @ Venom ill find that @ Xparqas adding it
  16. k thanks KD i could not find anyway how. figures they would do something stupid like that
  17. Can i use the flame hog in matchmaking
  18. i Have a felling you will add something soon....
  19. i have to say that this app is 101 % Fail! if i wanted to look at the pics in a theme i would just try it on my 360. And i dont know if it is leaking VIP but yungbol could you post that app in non-vip please. and if you do think its VIP leaking then dont get made because it would be his choice where to post his app.
  20. sigh.... This sucks. The only potencely good thing about this was the right click thing and that does not work Needs a lot of inprovments befor i take this out of my recycle bin.
  21. KD even in off topic do you think it should be sticky?
  22. Updated ! Thanks for the help and the positve surport.
  23. i still dont think its spam. but your intilted to your opion.
  24. PFROTCTMIALKS : D Come on everyone was doing it and it was for fun and surporting a good cause. no ones geting hert and it is not spam ( some could conncider it mild spam ) and currect me if i am wrong, but weren't you doing it too?
  25. http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/shoutbox.png/\ By : Matty0 /\ Thanks /\ _______________________________________________________________________ Post What You Think Should Be In The Hall Of Fame. __________________________________________ The Rules it has to be real. That it is not ment to hurt anyone. __________________________________________ if you go "Lol" Please +Rep me i have but lots of time into this _______________________________________________________________________ Hawt Dentist Bewbiez http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_09_2009/post-1409-125330303024.png _______________________________________________________________________ Fail ___________________________ lilryguy5 : (Today, 08:27 PM)http://blitzcast.com/Blitzbox_HD.html lilryguy5 : (Today, 08:27 PM) can u mod film clips with a blitzbox? _______________________________________________________________________ Rickroll http://www.flashinthepan.eu/rickroll.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ duh http://i31.tinypic.com/11trkhy.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ ODST Guy ___________________________ chaosfire53495 Icon : (Today, 03:05 AM) Think what you want chaosfire53495 Icon : (Today, 03:05 AM) i know its possible SotG Caboose Icon : (Today, 03:04 AM) lolololol chaosfire53495 Icon : (Today, 03:02 AM) The ODST guy didnt move if that is what your thinking it was like a flood on isolation SotG Caboose Icon : (Today, 03:01 AM) xD chaosfire53495 Icon : (Today, 03:01 AM) I went Into MM and there was a guy I saw His share and It was and ODST guy on black out. So I told him Nice Dev kit mod. Then he said no its a Retail mod. I said he was lying to he took me to the map SotG Caboose Icon : (Today, 02:59 AM) It's not possible. And you haven't seen anyone do it SotG Caboose Icon : (Today, 02:59 AM) Saved that. Now to put in shoutbox hall of fame. chaosfire53495 Icon : (Today, 02:57 AM) I've seen people do it chaosfire53495 Icon : (Today, 02:57 AM) yeah SotG Caboose Icon : (Today, 02:56 AM) On halo 3? chaosfire53495 Icon : (Today, 02:53 AM) I need to learn how to put an ODST guy in a map on a retail xbox _______________________________________________________________________ **** __________________________ 360 : (Today, 11:42 PM) lol Pargy : (Today, 11:42 PM) 360 : (Today, 11:41 PM) **** 360 : (Today, 11:41 PM) **** Pargy : (Today, 11:41 PM) I said ****, what did you say? Pargy : (Today, 11:40 PM) **** you too 360 : (Today, 11:40 PM) **** you Pargy : (Today, 11:39 PM) I gaves him his rep back 360 : (Today, 11:38 PM) http://www.ibotmodz...._0entry102448 ha justcock you haz 1 - rep idk from who though _______________________________________________________________________ Polo shirts and flipflops ___________________________ Pargy : damn crackers with their polo shirts and flip-flops Pargy : (Today, 07:15 PM) At my old school almost everyone was black... 360 : (Today, 07:14 PM) lol SotG Caboose : (Today, 07:14 PM) they make cool dances 360 : (Today, 07:14 PM) LMFAO there are like 2 in my school SotG Caboose : (Today, 07:14 PM) I like black people Pargy : (Today, 07:14 PM) *black Pargy : (Today, 07:13 PM) Too many white people Pargy : (Today, 07:13 PM) I counted all the balk people in my classes today...there were 11, thats ******* ridiculous _______________________________________________________________________ No... ___________________________ http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm31/xpargas/untitled-23.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ Boosies Clever Rick rolling ways... __________________________ By : Rabbit, Boosie, JUSTREC Date : Unknown Submitted By : JUSTREC http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/cleverrickrolling.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ FREE ACHIEVEMENTS! __________________________ By : Cutty, Xpargas, JUSTREC Date : Unknown Submitted By : JUSTREC http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/FREEACHIEVEMENTS.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ Moooooo __________________________ By : Too Many 4 Any Reason 2 Add Date : Unknown Submitted By : T3A_Guy http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/2588/moooooo.png _______________________________________________________________________ Dev Kit are 2 Big For Me! __________________________ By : GameOver, iamArabit, Boosie Date : Unknown Submitted By : Boosie http://i732.photobucket.com/albums/ww324/austin112345/fail.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ W00T W00T _________________________ By: Steven, Dan, Yungbol, FE, Kd, xparaqa, Quinzo Date : Unknown Submitted By : YungBol http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/post-1274-1241045228.png _______________________________________________________________________ how to win against slip... _________________________ By : Dark And FE Date : Unknown Submitted By : FE http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/win2.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ Soo Slip is a Girl ? _________________________ By : Xparqas, Easy B, myfreevod, JUSTREC Date : Unknown Submitted By : JUSTREC http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/Untitled-3.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ Wait..Thats not right _________________________ By : Halo 3 Date : Unknown Submitted By : T3A guy http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_04_2009/post-7564-1240185743.png _______________________________________________________________________ " No Dev kit for you " _________________________ By : FE, Bossie, T3A guy, Quinnzo, Epslion Date : Unknown Submitted By : Dark ( 1st ) Can i haz 1? http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/8257/explafjdk.png _______________________________________________________________________ "wood" ______________________ By : Matty0 & FE Date : 13/4/09 Submitted By : Matty0 I Still don't get it.....OH LOL NAO I DO. http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/wood.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/enhancedlabs/the-real-christmas-05/Star-icon.jpgMost Random Submission award! http://www.freewebs.com/kawaiiklub/trophy.png "The Greeting" ______________________ By : Joe & T3A guy Date : 4/12/09 Submitted By : Joe Why Someone would submit this is beyond my knowledge, But i Added This Because of the randomness. ( Dont Hate ) (08:27 PM) T3A_guy - Hi (08:27 PM) Joe Walls - Hi _______________________________________________________________________ " 'Twas the first response of the april fools prank. " __________________________ By : Gabe_k & XxQuinnzoxX Date : 1/04/2009 Submitted By : iBotPeaches 'Twas the first response of the april fools prank. http://ibotfiles.com/files/cbox.png _______________________________________________________________________ " Something Big " __________________________ By : khaosmaster & Dark Slipstream Date : Unknown Submitted By : khaosmaster (09:23 PM) Dark Slipstream - you mean v3noms mom? (09:22 PM) khaosmaster - something big (09:22 PM) Dark Slipstream - heavy (09:22 PM) khaosmaster - Slip take something heavy and hit the big glowing box. _______________________________________________________________________ " How = " __________________________ By : Dark Slipstrean Date : Unknown Submitted By : Dark Slipstream For Those Who Wounder How = (09:49 PM) Dark Slipstream - happy = http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif (09:49 PM) Dark Slipstream - good = happy (09:49 PM) Dark Slipstream - *censored* = good (09:49 PM) Dark Slipstream - wet = *censored* (09:49 PM) Dark Slipstream - rain = wet (09:49 PM) Dark Slipstream - sad = rain (09:49 PM) Dark Slipstream - unhappy face = sad (09:49 PM) Dark Slipstream - http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif = unhappy face _______________________________________________________________________ " r u on www.ibotmodz.net " __________________________ By : Az0 and xparqas Date : 28/03/2009 Submitted By : BTKC124 Az0 Was Asking if IBotModz is Free, and xparqas replays telling him yes and Reminding him that he is on it right now then he Asks if xparqas was on IBotModz. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_03_2009/msg-1533-1238354975.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ " Calling Microsoft " _________________________ By : DefiledLegand & SotG Caboose Date : 31/03/2009 Submitted By : SotG Caboose Calling Microsoft is anoying http://i732.photobucket.com/albums/ww324/austin112345/sbof.jpg _______________________________________________________________________ " This Has Been Another Fast Fact, Provided To You By Pargy " _________________________ By : Xparqas, T3A guy & gangt Date : 3/31/09 Submitted By : T3A guy " O RLY " http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9379/fastfactorly.png _______________________________________________________________________ " I has no cam " __________________________ By : SmokiestGrunl, SotG Caboose, T3A_guy And Dan Date : Unknown Submitted By : Dan Smokiest Has No cam ( Whatever that means ) after getting it he says he is back, and the rest explains it's self! (11:44 PM) SmokiestGrunl - I has no cam, brb (11:48 PM) SmokiestGrunl - Back (11:49 PM) SotG Cabooseââ¢Â¥ - side (11:50 PM) T3A_guy - front (11:50 PM) Dan - Other side _______________________________________________________________________ " A Montage of LOLs " _________________________ By : T3A guy Date : Unknown Submitted By : T3A guy A Montage of LOL's http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6120/iconatore27e79262661fp4.gif ________________________________________________________________________ " i can bypass filter " _________________________ By : GMOF Slidell, Dark SlipStream yungbol Date : 30/03/2009 Submitted By : yungbol Dark declares that he can bypass the IBotModz curse-word filter. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_03_2009/post-1274-1238440227.png ________________________________________________________________________ " Arriving on Ibotmodz... " _______________________ By : SotG Caboose & simplename Date : Unknown Submitted By : SotG Caboose After working a hard day Caboose comes on iBotmodz for a nice warm welcome by simplename. http://i732.photobucket.com/albums/ww324/austin112345/sbhof.jpg ________________________________________________________________________ " Asian Asshalo " _______________________ By : T3A guy & jeehs Date : 3/30/09 Submitted By : T3A guy Wait so who is an "Asian AssHalo" http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3339/hofe.png ________________________________________________________________________ " Wana See my p0rn0 ? " _______________________ By : xparqas , xjump3r & SotG Caboose Date : 3/31/09 Submitted By : BTKC124 xparqas, xjump3r, BTKC124 & SotG Caboose do not surport animal curilty. but some how i dont belive SotG Caboose Because of his responce. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_03_2009/post-1533-1238535913.jpg ________________________________________________________________________ " Can i But Toast in you ? " _______________________ By : Athrun Zala 02ââ¢Â¥ & xValidToasterxââ¢Â¥ Date : Unknown Submitted By : Athrun Zala 02ââ¢Â¥ Athrun Zala 02ââ¢Â¥ Wants To but Toast in xValidToasterx http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_04_2009/post-2769-1238686125.jpg ________________________________________________________________________ " i haz ownerss... " _______________________ By: KD, Hotel & xValidToasterxââ¢Â¥ Date : Unknown Submitted By : xValidToasterxââ¢Â¥ " ...and i am deleteing the fourms & Peaches" http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_04_2009/msg-1533-1238711026.jpg ________________________________________________________________________ " Yo Dawg Twist " _______________________ By : SotG Caboose Date : 4/02/09 Submitted By : T3A guy "Caboose doesn't quite understand the 'yo dawg' meme." http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/8144/abcdzzzsl33p.png ________________________________________________________________________ " How Do i Protect My WebSite " _______________________ By : SotG Caboose & T3A guy Date : Unknown Submitted By : T3A Guy T3A Guess is may not be Right But It Is Funny http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3382/lolololw.png ________________________________________________________________________ " ALL YOUR COMPUTER ARE BELONG TO EPSILON! " ________________________ By : Too much to count... Date: (PIC)3/30/09 (Started; 1/13/09) Submitted By : xX EPSILON Xx "I come on iBotModz, and apparently,I control it!?! WTF!" \/ Click 4 Good Quality \/ http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/ALLURPCBELONGTOEPSILON.jpg _________________________________________________________________________ More To Come.... But I Need Your HELP, Submit What You Think Should Be in The Hall of Fame Veiw The ShoutBox Now! This is not offical, If A Staff has a problem with this then they can remove it!
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