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Everything posted by BTKC124

  1. oh thanks
  2. OH RLY All of Friday i was thinking of making a spartan in assult cube but i was only going to edit "skin" And I mean what program did you use to make the skin.
  3. Halo Wars Screen Shots By : BTKC124 ____________________________________________________ A Collection of Halo Wars Screen Shots. This Package Of Screen Shots Contains : ♦ Ambient Life Concepts ♦ 5 ♦ ♦ Cinematic Screen shots ♦ 7 ♦ ♦ E3 2007 Screen shots ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ E3 2008 Screen shots ♦ 12 ♦ ♦ Environment concepts ♦ 9 ♦ ♦ Forerunner Structures ♦ 3 ♦ ♦ Leipzig 2008 Screen shots ♦ 3 ♦ ♦ Older Screen shots ♦ 5 ♦ ♦ Screen shots ♦ 7 ♦ ♦ Team X box Screen Shots ♦ 11 ♦ ♦ Unit Concepts ♦ 11 ♦ ♦ X box Live Screen shots ♦ 5 ♦ And That is a Total of 82 ____________________________________________________ Download : Halo Wars Screen Shot ____________________________________________________ Other ~ i Know That this could go in the GFX Section. But i Felt that it more belonged in the Halo Wars Sub-Section. ~ ~ All the Screen Shots Belong to there Respect Owners ~ ~ If Some one wants to do a Virus Total Please do Because even if i do no one will believe it ~ ___________________________________________________ http://www.halowars.com/images/screenshots/screenshots_1280_007.jpg http://www.halowars.com/images/screenshots/UNSC_Flame_marine1.jpg http://www.halowars.com/images/screenshots/Cov_Hunter.jpg http://www.halowars.com/images/screenshots/HW_1024x768_6.jpg http://www.halowars.com/images/screenshots/Cov_jackalfinal.jpg
  4. Kick Ass i always wanted a halo mod for assault cube! Btw Where did you get this, and if you made it want programs?
  5. Ya it Just Seamed like a normal conversation and Theirs a lot more newbie questions asked in the past. Thank you though Lewie i will add it to the honorably mentions.
  6. @ Peaches : Exactly @ khaos & Dark : Adding (= Btw w00t 300 post
  7. IDK about the license transfer. Sorry i Have Never done that. And Sadly No you can not use it in Matchmaking
  8. BTKC124

    My birthday

    Happy BirthDay ( : i Give u 15 cyber cookies
  9. Good Job Dark Thanks, When PB3 comes out i will + Rep u
  10. Wow i said nothing about Gael360, Just the program. AND i know he has done a lot. And i give him respect. So Just Chill.
  11. Agreed i will be making an honorable mention. it will be a Download in like a Microsoft word or some thing and it will contain that
  12. i am ! Fire Fox 4 The Win
  13. Ya Peaches i was using quick edit
  14. Why is there an ad in the MIDDLE of my topic ???
  15. LAMO Joe Wells But... I Just Cant Add It. And it is funny
  16. LAMO! Added
  17. ___________________________________________ Adding All 3.
  18. i dont get unlinted plays ) =
  19. BTKC124

    Team Unix

    http://teamunix.org/ is not realy tooken down 4 two reasons 1) it is april fools 2) in the centre of the screen it says error, and the img url is http://teamunix.org/files/error.gif
  20. I Know. But MayBe 1 or 2 Kids Dont and do now. And The Halo Wars Section has about 8 Topics, So i thought i would contribute something. @ Dan: That WAY easyer. LOL
  21. How To Get The Honor Guard Wraith & "Flaming" Warthog _________________________________________________________________ Honor Guard Wraith : purchase Any Copy of Halo Wars Collector's Editon And it will come with a card to download the Honor Guard Wraith. "Flaming" Warthog : You Have To Pre-Order any Copy of Halo Wars and certain retailers Will give you a download Card. Unfortunately For Those Who did not Pre-Order, the Chances of Comeing across when of these Card are Rare. _________________________________________________________________ FAQ ______________ Nope . You cannot use it in multiplayer. ~ Thank Korupt Data for the ancewer. NOT ME http://www.halowars.com/images/screenshots/WraithandHog.jpg
  22. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cool Btw could u make a icon on next verson/post 1
  23. K But That does not stop the point that the right click does not work
  24. umm no i am not, and how would you even know? you did not program it, just played around it designer. and it is just the source 4 a resinger. soo... It Sucks. all it is a Stolen resigner source and took away the resigner so it offers apsolty nothing. And if your still dont belive me ill do a pnt screen Btw i could program something better than you. and by programing i mean not stealing source and all ur apps are just some1 sourse you CANT PROGRAM ANYTHING WITH OUT OPENING A SOURCE OR COPY&PASTING SO GET A LIFE
  25. LOL i am adding both of those Happy April fools Peaches Btw i am adding peaches now and ill add the other one when i get home b/c i dont wanna get kicked off /=
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