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Everything posted by swampy666

  1. haha what the heck nice vid
  2. swampy666

    sad day

    this sucks :/
  3. omg looks amazing
  4. do it!!
  5. you get a pad in the back for making it this far
  6. and maybe enlarge it
  7. hes gonna get a lot of asian sex
  8. can i haz my cookie now http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/drool.png
  9. swampy666

    Happy 4/20

    nah, not until friday
  10. swampy666

    What up

    A holiday created by stoners where everyone gets high. got too crazy
  11. swampy666

    What up

    Hope some of you enjoy yourselves. don't get too crazy http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/swamp420v2.png
  12. how do you customize app icons?
  13. i been wanting to find out how to do this, thanks
  14. i know right?
  15. i got the hook up, $150 for a 80 gig
  16. wait what?
  17. OMG!! This is urber WIN!!! cant wait for reach and now this!
  18. too blurry for me lol
  19. spammer is just spamming.
  20. Good job on the release... i still don't have enough rep to use lmao
  21. Why did someone give him -1 rep? He's just stating his idea.
  22. you would repost that whole post and not say anything
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