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Everything posted by swampy666

  1. lol no he wouldnt be able to
  2. haha there's a bootleg, ripped off, version of mine-craft already in the marketplace
  3. what has everyone been doing here lately?
  4. enjoy it while its still here
  5. yeah i dont see why pot is still illegal. being drunk is worse than being stoned. have you ever heard of fights and problems going on while people were high? no. thanks for the info
  6. nice set bro
  7. Console(s): xbox 360 Favorite Game: Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Halo 2 & 3, and Modern warfare 2 Do you mod it?: all but umk3 Do you play online or offline?: Both
  8. http://img21.mediafire.com/4e4885ab838626cb5180c20caf7172d327170602d05ef70d93e2b905a0b313956g.jpg looks like the hand powers from bioshock
  9. swampy666


    The knife is a one hit kill so i thought it would destroy it.
  10. This was hilarious, i was busting up so much
  11. still playin that shiz
  12. swampy666


    Just me and my friend playin some modern warfare 2. couldnt post this in the right place so ima just post this here. *cant play as good as I want to with my tv's quality haha
  13. http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/Trolling/Cool%20Story%20bro/Cool-Story-Broc.jpg
  14. looks great, might sign up
  15. alright ima try this. nice bad rep for asking for help -___-
  16. Hey guys im back with yet again another problem, sorry if I'm bothering any of you. I have this capture card, DVD Xpress DX2, and im having trouble using it on my computer. everytime i open up my program (CapWiz) it gives my this message: http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/Web%20Posts/1.png yes i know i got to install it to my usb port or something and I've tryed using google but i cannot find a answer. I'm hoping someone here in ibotmodz to help me.
  17. thanks man found what i was looking for (:
  18. swampy666


    dont like the dash menu
  19. Yo... Does anyone know a site or program that lets 2 people connect together and like mess around with paint?
  20. Its almost the same process with modding MW2 gamertags.
  21. swampy666

    Hory Shit

    oh I see.
  22. I believe he did this by .map modding so, yes.
  23. swampy666

    Hory Shit

    why is there a peace symbol lol
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