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Everything posted by swampy666

  1. tight map but you should have put vehicles, weapons, and more trees on the waterfall base
  2. watever its a good map anyways
  3. it is fun, me and some friends had fun playin it
  4. I was 1 of them and i had the map since yesterday
  5. swampy666

    Goons Wasteland

    he moved the guardians behind the map
  6. no one, it was in my map's list for some reason edit: dont worry i wont leak it
  7. i got this map it's pretty kool
  8. nice map
  9. gt: Xswampy Z57X why do my posts keep getting deleted
  10. woops posted it twice
  11. I'll test them. GT: Xswampy Z57X
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