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Everything posted by swampy666

  1. Does anyone know what kind of spartan this is? it doesn't look like a Mark IV or anyone I've seen. http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/unknown.jpg
  2. im up for a search, just tell me the info. GT = Xswampy Z57X
  3. Can you tell me what we're doing so I can steal your idea. ha
  4. where do I put campaign maps in my harddrive? sorry but idk know how to mod the maps on the disc.
  5. ummmm no, it's now called Assembley
  6. WOW thanks for the info
  7. wow thats a very nice theory Steven. Who do you think was in the last HEV pod?
  8. ummmmm im not good at different time zones so do you think you can tell what 7:30 EST would be for pacific Time
  9. you can put me on your list GT: Xswampy Z57X
  10. why did you delete it from your file share?
  11. swampy666

    Carousel 2

    thanks but which map do I patch it over? and why is his Halo DB locked?
  12. is it still on hold
  13. haven't you played halo 2 campain before?
  14. yes it does connect with usb and never mind i got it to work but now i need help on how to mod a usermap, can you give me link with a tut that explains in details?
  15. swampy666

    Carousel 2

    can you give me a download
  16. swampy666

    need help

    Does XPlorer 360 Extreme 2 work for the migration kit that comes the 120 gig hardrive? if not what programs work for it?
  17. thanks and the room with the junk in it is supposed to be where the pelican crashed lol
  18. what do you mean by painted on?
  19. Outskirts I'll get the overview tomorrow, if not, next week Made by Xswampy Z57X Post written up by Xswampy Z57X of iBotModz.net Description: Alright here is a remake of the halo 2 campaign map, "Outskirts". If it sucks don't flame cause I made this map a long time ago. Give me your feedback please. Easter eggs, ha theres two small ones but you can only get to them in forge. the first one is easy every one who play halo 2 should know, and second one is kinda hard to find. Pictures This is where everyone starts off so be aware of that. http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/34741706-Full.jpg The court yard http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/34741946-Full.jpg Overview http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/34742068-Full.jpg http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/34741484-Full.jpg Supports: Slayer CTF Video I Don't wanna make a video. Download Download link heres the gametype for it if you want it: Download Note Xswampy Z57X of iBotModz.net
  20. do you think you can mod one of my maps when I finish it?
  21. the first one is hard. i tried many times and I never got onto of the fence.
  22. me and some friends tried this one time but it didnt work
  23. tight i did that once, I got the scarab gun, went in the green gun and I pretended that I was shooting the with the scarab, lol but i couldn't see inside
  24. All of your content has been deleted from those links except the second link.
  25. thats tight, do you think this can be done for 4 player co-op?
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