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Everything posted by swampy666

  1. Im not sure if this belongs here, if it doesn't someone notify me. Well here they are. http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/MARATHONsm.jpg http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l191/fallen_zero0033/lolsmaller.jpg
  2. lol that sh@t was crazy
  3. do it on the pit
  4. i would like to try this map but the download link is broken and the pics dont work
  5. was this map supposed to be the same as the Extinction map from halo ce.
  6. link to the patch is broken
  7. this level is from halo 2 campaign.
  8. i think the brute chopper is better
  9. swampy666


    are thoses the real maps of a saved forge map?
  10. what was supposed to be here?
  11. hey, what does H3 usermap splitter/merger do?
  12. lol this is great, did you forge this or did you get a friend to do it?
  13. these are some tight maps too bad i wont be able to play them for a long while
  14. this map looks sic but i cant play cause xbox broke
  15. is it chocolate cake? lol
  16. ill join my gt is Xswampy Z57X
  17. i hope it isn't
  18. in the right of the photo you can see a flood form that looks like a flood carrier, when this map gets released you bet modders are goin to make cool flood/infection maps on this
  19. agreed the only thing i liked in this map is the fish.
  20. ok ill be on like 6:30 and right now and also will you be releasing this? Dark Slipstream will you?
  21. in forge use the invincibility power up turn into the monitor back up and look in front of you, it's a pretty tight glitch
  22. sounds great EDIT: there are pelicans in this map?
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