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Dark Slipstream

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Everything posted by Dark Slipstream

  1. Who bought WIndows 7 keys from ampix0?
  2. Blue Shadowz GZIP is broken... ******* sucks.
  3. file test...teamviewer_setup.rar
  4. Try adding the xbox 360's port to allow access through the router. (I think it's 3074, but that may be a bot port, lol) Also, try unplugging all internet other than the 360, that always works.
  5. You know you'll get banned for doing that right. lol They can track every update for every console.
  6. Apart from the occasional breakfast. McDonalds is garbage.
  7. +REP... lmao
  8. Why hide the name? People shouldn't have to offer for the account. Post a price of what you think it's worth.
  9. Only one problem, you can only have 100 files of user created content at a time. :S
  10. I didn't get it.
  11. +REP lmao!
  12. For what, a basic website? A specific type of forum/board installation?... Other?
  13. Nope, it's in Xbox Games -> Halo 3 -> H3 Modding Programs.
  14. There are more tutorials outside of the Tutorials application though... :/
  15. I bet they didn't even think of that. lol
  16. I wouldn't let Guests view any Tutorial forums. I can say 100% all of them will be ripped.
  17. Idc how many ads, but on one condition. No full page ads! They completely lock up my computer, because of the load time for iBM... it's just insane.
  18. You could use my app, H3 Screenshots. It's open source, and is simple. You press Extract, and it will extract the image you select. You press inject, you open a CON file, then an image. Simple as that.
  19. That guy is an epic fail. lmao
  20. It was removed because it didn't work. Adding text created an error, so the hook was removed, thus removing the recent rep. (Same hook)
  21. Hosptials get priority internet for stuff like that. If they begin to loose speed, I'm pretty sure they'll just take city blocks offline to speed it up lol...
  22. Not even a day ago you posted a .bat trojan claiming it to be a modding program, in the wrong forum (even application), and didn't specify what it even did. Now you're only proof to be a trusted seller is to goto xblhackers.com, and rely on one persons word? lol...
  23. I've decided to go through my board files and remove the old ip.board 2.x installation lol... Quite a few folders in there, just taking up space... lol
  24. Ok, Dan wins the download contest... lol
  25. Proof, or it's a lie.
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