If my MSDN Account still existed, I could've just given you a direct Microsoft MSDN download and retail key, legally. But nooo, Ostriches had to go and kill the account. >.>
If you use C# to connect entirely, it's extremely insecure. Especially with all those decompiling retards out there. You need to make a PHP script connect to your database, and echo the relevant information. You just connect to the PHP page using the user/pass, then the page will pass it to the database and output if it was a correct login. IPS has login code for developers if you have an active customer account.
Just to clerify, you should have an HTTPS login/logout redirect to the https version of your homepage. That way the remaining secure POST data is sent to another secure page, then people can just leave that page.
Beleive it or not, the actual screen resolution doesn't affect a computers speed too much. -> Unless your using Vista/7, and use Aero. You could disable visual effects, that would improve performance.
It appears you own a website. Why don't you use the php mail() function to send email from your hosting, rather than built in? It's faster, more secure, and less code.
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