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Everything posted by jordandipaolo

  1. strong words lol
  2. If I had a french Fri for everytiem I saw that, I would be a very fat dude. ITS NOT POSSIBLE TO MAKE PELICANS FLYABLE.... (YET) maybe you if you get outside of rats nest you see those pelicans flying maybe you can get one on like in campain (sorry for spelling)
  3. well your both stupid so shut up they may not be able to resign they can still mod ********
  4. why dont any of the mods have changed projectiles
  5. you should make a map with good replay value with somthing really kool like the one one avalanche i like the idea with the missle pod turret...
  6. lmao this guy is my new idol
  7. whats hell what map is that called???...and what mod is it
  8. agreed i think slingstorm is an ass taking credit for others work
  9. jordandipaolo


    can some one please scan this for me i want to see if there are viruses? plz http://www.donkeystunts.com/files srry it dident work last time :S warning do noy dl there is a trojan i had to learn the hard way
  10. how do i extract files from my hardrive
  11. jordandipaolo


    my xsata broke so i bought a new one on ebay and it said xsata but they sent me a xport can i stll mod?
  12. hey dude please invite me ad my gt mmmmmmmaaaaabbb i will try to think of any mods but i have no idea :S
  13. for halo 3 what do you need to mod offline or do you need a con resigner???
  14. man i cant wait till peaches or someone makes a con resigner... how do you change the projectiles?
  15. thanks peaches cant wait till finished
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