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Everything posted by jordandipaolo

  1. thats not true if they got there hands on it and they probly will because it will be a public file so therefore they will find out the stuff they need to know
  2. i know i had the best name it was suprize but sex
  3. bungie wont do it cuz they know what will happen
  4. its by mfone so i dont think its a fake
  5. jordandipaolo

    xbox live

    i need help a made an acc and it says it xbox live but i cant go on matchmaking in halo 3
  6. wow your mature (sarcastic)
  7. jordandipaolo


    dude sorry to tell you but its probly a keylogger so dont log on to bunie
  8. sick your maps are the best this has replay value that you finally someone that knows what people like in mods
  9. SUCK H3 Pyro Sun May 18, 5:55 am BLACK PPL H3 Pyro he is really starting to piss me off fu*king rasist litle homo
  10. i think you should relese all that but put several locks on the live section or completly take it off so they cant cheat im matchmaking
  11. not that bad we still play custom but are you allowed to make new mods?
  12. sick cant wait to mod i cant wait anylonger
  13. they cant mod anymore the need to rehash the files
  14. it doesent matter you can download any order
  15. that $%#^%# dick natedog or w,e put like a bunch up i dl one of his maps my xbox froze so i turned off but its the main dude so you can trust him
  16. oh that sucks
  17. lmfao that wasent weird
  18. doesent work it says its damaged
  19. people get so anyoying with all the talk about a flyable pelican it cant happen it wont there is no lvl with a pelecan that you can fly you can get in the back but it doesent give an option to drive
  20. need a pass for resinger if anyone could help with getting me one it would be great pm me
  21. were have you been the resigner was relesed like last week
  22. please pm me it wont work for me
  23. personaly i =think modding is good it make the game better i think they should just change the online stuff so we cant online mod
  24. well this was comletly point less but still kool
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