vb link http://www.microsoft.com/express/vb/Default.aspx c# link http://www.microsoft.com/express/vcsharp/Default.aspx c++ link http://www.microsoft.com/express/vc/Default.aspx vb resipes they might work for c# and c++ but i know for sure they work for vb i found some stuff on youtube to make programs but i dident learn much but after like 2 hours and one trojan later(good thing i have an amazing virus remover) of looking i found this vb resipes link for resipes http://www.mediafire.com/?z11zzktwdfd (+rep me )
i will be glad to resign it for you rehash it and send it to me ok? and all send to you on xbl and me mmmmmmmaaaaabbb try and send to night if you get on
my xbox live gamertag is really xxrazkalxx why was that nesicary and dubble post use edit button your just spamming witch is against the ruls along with double posting
why dont people learn you cant have a gametype with recon there all fake when you see vidz there edited and to play modded maps on devkit im pretty sure you have to mod it (not completely sure) sorry for spelling