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Everything posted by jordandipaolo

  1. allready posted with recipes please delete
  2. i agree lol 5 dollers good
  3. @#%$ man my wireless connection is at my moms house i want it so badly
  4. vb link http://www.microsoft.com/express/vb/Default.aspx c# link http://www.microsoft.com/express/vcsharp/Default.aspx c++ link http://www.microsoft.com/express/vc/Default.aspx vb resipes they might work for c# and c++ but i know for sure they work for vb i found some stuff on youtube to make programs but i dident learn much but after like 2 hours and one trojan later(good thing i have an amazing virus remover) of looking i found this vb resipes link for resipes http://www.mediafire.com/?z11zzktwdfd (+rep me )
  5. i voted for tyler but then again slipstream is a good moder 2 aswell as nukular
  6. can resign for ppl anymore dont want to get ban from resigner but if anyone wants to join my modding group tna modders pm me im going away for a week
  7. i want to put a clan togeather called tna modders i have a resigner and xport im just not good at making maps
  8. i will be glad to resign it for you rehash it and send it to me ok? and all send to you on xbl and me mmmmmmmaaaaabbb try and send to night if you get on
  9. got my resigner and after my test mod thats all im gonna make is playable ones i hate random stuff
  10. halo 1 is still one of my favort games
  11. trust me i used to hate wow and then when i was at my friends house when he was sleeping i had nothing to do so i started to play
  12. you should make that your sig
  13. i tried that and yea thats true
  14. when i go to play wow i get an error 132 any help???
  15. i would but i dont know how
  16. well when i get my resigner im gonna make a house of sand bags its going to be sick
  17. i have one but its fattwams so i need his aproval first
  18. my xbox live gamertag is really xxrazkalxx why was that nesicary and dubble post use edit button your just spamming witch is against the ruls along with double posting
  19. thanks helps alot i dident know how much i dont need on my comp that i had
  20. i wanna play but my xbox is broken and yea i hated clones ever since the first one they have been in like very map exept for tylers
  21. i want to make one lol ijust dont know about :S
  22. yea all trade you that but im gonna need some proof
  23. why dont people learn you cant have a gametype with recon there all fake when you see vidz there edited and to play modded maps on devkit im pretty sure you have to mod it (not completely sure) sorry for spelling
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