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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. Oh yeah? I bet you didn't realise it actually says CHRISTIAN, did you?
  2. I'm tired and hungry.
    1. connorss


      want a cook.... PIECE OF BACON
  3. Yum. Seriously though, is that a rotting potatoe?
  4. I'm getting in on this shit!
  5. Bansorz teh spamsorz!
  6. Oh, it's most likely possible, but I believe that there is as-of-yet publicly unknown security preventing such modding, due to the lack of people caring about modding it, since it's not really that good
  7. miinaturvat

    IRL Yao Guai

    Is that a Pargy? I think that's a pargy... It needs more blood and bigger teeth to be a yao guai
  8. I told you exactly how to do it, ya ****
  9. Yeah, but this HEX stuff you speak of is just File I/O. Surely you've done that before?
  10. Anyone have tabs for Through the Fire and the Flames for guitar?
  11. What kind of cheap shitty drink costs 40p these days?!
  12. Ah, good old Lockon and his manga prons...
  13. Wow, a mass of repeated website links! Ima click on one, for the creator MUST be professional...
  14. I like the 10 random messages at the top Who the hell uses torrents, anyway?! Oh, and also, I don't think the "Recently Added Tutorials" thingy on the homepage works... Keeps saying "This specified application has been disabkled". http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/1535/aaaaal.png
  15. You can do the same thing with a tool called "Resource Hacker" (http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/) which is 'free'.
  16. I guess POMA will be getting updated for this, then I'll be getting the standard edition
  17. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/24/56733884_8a9876603c.jpg Oh, and you don't sound like the best programmer in the world... You come along saying that you program visuses (I'd bet money you are incapable of it), in Visual Basic (of all languages... ). Then you go and ask what software you need to create a program (showing you have little knowledge about software in general, and have probably never programmed anything outside of VB). If you truly are "not a noob coder", then this should be very easy for you to do after looking at some open-source resigner code, since it's basically just file I/O with a bit of encryption... no offence, by the way
  18. Oh, I see... Holy shit, there's a flying pelican in the middle of your room!!!
  19. What's that got to do with the paper on the keyboard that has the letter 'M' printed in black on it?
  20. <H1>HTML test</H1> EDIT: I see you fixed the HTML entities, then
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