It's not always the smallest one. It's the one with punctuation, symbols or numbers. If neither posses these qualities, it's almost always the one that looks more like a photocopy (has a few dots around it from dust etc). If they both look clear, then just type both words.
You know, on every recaptcha thingy, it only checks if you typed one of the words, and the one it checks is almost always the more legible one. You could have typed whatever you wanted for the first word, and as long as you got the second word right, it would have been recognised as a correct recapcha
do you remember how? at 0x147 in the BLF there be: enum Gametype { CTF = 1, Slayer = 2, Oddball = 3, KingoftheHill = 4, Forge = 5, VIP = 6, Juggernaut = 7, Territories = 8, Assault = 9, Infection = 10 } You probably already know, but what the hell. I'll remind you incase you don't know how
It's a shame that almost every single attribute you can change with this can be done in-game, eh? I mean, what can you actually 'mod'? Respawn time and the weapons you spawn with. That's it. So there really isn't any need for a program that can edit every single part of the gametype, is there? I'm not saying it's crap or anything. It's probably took a lot of time to make and everything, and some people will probably find a use for it. I'm just saying I won't.
But keygens make them at 'random'. You'll probably get one that's not been used before, or get one that someone else has validated already. And you'll probably only get one shot at redeeming it, so...
You can make backup-s of everything, just not of anything executable! (you can't keep your .exe's and the likes, unless you want to risk getting re-infected (which is incredibly likely)) So you can make a back-up of all your text files and pictures and such when you format your HDD.