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Everything posted by jimjam

  1. The fact tat they would ban modders if there maps get leaked by someone other then them is stupid. Bungie is so unfair.
  2. Wow thats totally a bubble shield and the sword looks so fake
  3. I just saw this pic on a website right before i read this, lol
  4. You make some of the best best mods Tyler. 5/5
  5. This is one of my favorite mods, everything is placed perfect and looks wonderful and the halo ring is awesome 5/5 stars!
  6. kinda reminds me of every single other glitch found Lol amen to that. Also thanks for telling us this glitch i never knew the elites can do that out of campaign.
  7. Whichever way it was done i cant wait to try this. Thanks for the tutorial
  8. I have wanted a flood mod for a long time thank you!
  9. Awesome find thank you
  10. I belive yes it should be all released it will most likely just end up leaked anyway so whats the point of hording it. People should be able to mod as much as they want before bungie ends up fixing it. Cause when that happens no one will have any fun at all.
  11. A glitch is a glitch dont make it look like something eles and dont get so worked up if someone reveals your fraud A glitch is a glitch dont try to make it something eles it will just make people respect you less if they even respect you at all,and dont get so worked up about someone revealing your fraud that just makes it even worse.
  12. Thanks for these, i gota try that pelican one some time.
  13. Isolation looks like alot of fun and last resort freaking awesome but they were probably done on a dev kit.
  14. The satellite mod seems really cool ive seen a film of it before. I dont think the blackout pic is still up though
  15. If your trying to make up for being a jerk at least do it in the right section.
  16. I cant wait to see a ghost town mod with a poop cover lol.
  17. Forcing people to go to your sites to get the mod is just wrong. Im not trying to be mean or anything but you could just ask people to check out your site not force them to. If you want to get the mods go on bungie.net and look up "h3 pyro" and "bio toxic peach" they have most of the mods.
  18. ah man you made the topic right before i was going to. ether way thanks for credit EDIT:you forgot snowbound its there its called newbound
  19. I love maze maps im downloading it now. I hope to play it tomorrow wish me luck
  20. I was just playing this i think its great. i was trying to get to some of those places for awhile now thx for the help.
  21. jimjam


    Dyeing hero is right though, look before you leap.
  22. I like it best when he runs over and rams them lol.
  23. Same here, i still cant wait for these maps.
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