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Everything posted by jimjam

  1. You cant move while your in it so you have to stand in a sender channel 1 go into forge then press up on the d-pad and then x right after until you get the change channel choice in human form then change it to 0 and your in space
  2. The link works fine to me, unless your talking about the fear of getting banned in which case just download it to halo 3 not copy to your file share. As for sandbox just read a few tuts and you will get better at it, thats what i did.
  3. Im not sure if there is a mod out there that teleports you into space. But i made one and i told a couple friends that i would release it so here it is http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=43945566 theres some other stuff on it too like fish, trees and Valhalla shots but its mostly host only and kinda random. Instructions: Make a sender stand still in it then have someone else change the nod (or change it yourself if your host) then you should be in space EDIT: I meant to post this topic in h3 modding not h3 modz i know i didnt follow the post format so if a mod could move this topic that would be great.
  4. Lol Shotspartin isnt the smartest crayon in the box, this is pretty funny thanks tyler.
  5. they look pretty neat, nice job.
  6. The flaming skull is a great idea and everything is placed nicely but its nothing really new.
  7. Another nice program post by redstar thanks again
  8. Pretty neat ill Download in case i need a pic of a map later.
  9. The sky looks like snowflakes lol anyway great job at flooding it, its nice and even
  10. I agree with slipstream if its fun its playable and this mod is fun
  11. I tried to make a mod with shades on narrows with my friend quite a few times none of the tags work at all, kinda sucks
  12. Pretty neat the waterfalls look awesome and the lights are amazing.
  13. Hammer would have been the best if it had effects and there should have been a grunt. Other then that its pretty amazing.
  14. I dont really know you darkhaosguy but HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYWAY!
  15. Awesome a nice way to get more members
  16. Im renting this simply because of the drill bra.
  17. Nice i always loved those omega journey type maps this is even better
  18. Eh frigates and elephants same stuff 3/5 stars.
  19. Awesome you rock thanks for the tut so much +rep for you.
  20. I remember when this came out lol it was a pretty fun prank.
  21. Awesome members, not many people are meen and it offers alot of help on modding
  22. Ether the 2nd or 3rd i don't like the 1st that much.
  23. Pretty great mods i like how you set it that the quad wings die at the start and how the frigate's shadow is cast.
  24. jimjam

    A Great Mod List

    Its a great list has alot more mods then the other list. nice post
  25. He got -19 rep because when he tried to release his mods for rep and 1 dude -reped him he called every assh**es and said he was going to f@$cking laugh at us. But other then that he wasn't too bad of a guy and his mods were decent so i guess ill miss him a bit...
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