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Everything posted by jimjam

  1. jimjam

    The Dam

    Omg rolf i was just about to post the same exact thing. But yeah its not worth 1200 subscribers.
  2. Lol the eggs are the best great job +rep for you
  3. Not again someone else should be in charge of this list
  4. I like the layout its nice and simple and the all red color looks really good on it.
  5. They edited a film clip of them on the mods and got it signed. Anyway great mods my fav would have to be uber track.
  6. I've been trying to kill that dude in the pelican for awhile now. I could never get the grenade right. Thanks for the tut.
  7. Speaking of which heres mine http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=40239616 Its kinda deep in h3 modding so now you don't have to look that much
  8. Here you go made by me and dying hero. Its just a test but i think its pretty good the way we blocked the man cannon beam from showing. Enjoy http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=40239616
  9. I like this mod alot one of the most playable ones ive played on. Also thanks for fixing the link
  10. This looks ok i think its worth a try.
  11. Looks fun I've been waiting for a mod like this for a while i cant wait for a DL.
  12. I thinks it pretty good for a first mod. I like the galaxys they look cool.
  13. Nice videos i never knew halo 3 blends lol.
  14. I can sorta see it its pretty neat.
  15. flooded avalanche is released sorta it on devong's and skippers fileshare for a bit i think theres a topic about it somewhere?
  16. omg i love mudkipz lol. Thanks for another nice picture
  17. From this sounds i cant wait ether. thanks Mrtwiggy
  18. I like the Da Vinci wall but the zombie scarab is fun too.
  19. There all fun but i like guardian the best.
  20. jimjam

    Get Rick Roll'd

    This is the best picture ever i rick roll all of my xbl friends with it thanks.
  21. This map is pretty awesome thanks for releasing it
  22. jimjam

    need help

    Just because its on a video doesn't mean we have it theres a lot of unreleased mods out there.
  23. I love Firefox its SO much better then IE. I used it for almost a year now and i haven't used IE since.
  24. thanks for the offer Ill take a color one.
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