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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. What has he made that is "so good?" And I'm sick of all these little kids that know nothing about GFX trying to C&C or tell somebody how bad they suck. I believe that by using a halo stock like this you are just shooting yourself in the foot. It's not near as bad as some of the s*** these kids post so I don't see why they're trying to talk s***.
  2. Well, two dollar bills aren't made anymore, so they are actually fairly rare to stumble upon .
  3. Ok but you asked and then took it WITHOUT his approval. If you just ask without him OKing it then you shouldn't take it. I did actually read the whole thing so don't tell me I didn't.
  4. I hope you didn't just seriously "re-vector" his work and claim it as your own. Either ask him to let you use his image to make a decal or don't make it.
  5. Lol it's still there. And by the way, what's the amount of votes required to win?
  6. Noodz. They all have terrible lighting and colors and lack effects, including mine.
  7. Yea I was trying to make it themed like a dream or something. just trying to be original and make my own styles.
  8. Happy Buddah


    You can be honest, but at least be constructive and tell him how he can improve it or get better. Just telling him it's bad is pretty pointless to you and him.
  9. This is 2 and a half months old >.>
  10. Took forever to render all this s*** and get the colors right . http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/f5ebb61c7d.png lol looking back at this I realize I have no idea what I was thinking and this is garbage.
  11. if it's not too late http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/f5ebb61c7d.png experimenting is fun
  12. Damn you're only 12 and already knocked up a b****. mad props yo
  13. You obviously have no idea how hard it is to put on 300 pounds in a year.
  14. I'm pregnant.
  15. Gaining 300 pounds
  16. I'm pregnant .
  17. If you're experienced with photoshop it's a hell of a lot better.
  18. Way to be an ass. This is a serious topic about a very important part of my life. I don't take this lightly and neither should you.
  19. It's true
  20. Happy Buddah


    oh yea i forgot ur pro dice. its like his second sig give him a break.
  21. lol I forgot to make one. Is the deadline at the end of today or did it already happen?
  22. This site is better than porn .
  23. planetrenders.net is great. Start off by doing the free tutorials and as you get more posts you can use your points to buy more advanced tutorials.
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