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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. Gross colors and borders fail . Other than that ur getting a lot better. Keep goin at it.
  2. c4d and filter spam
  3. Thanks
  4. I'm too lazy to do anything else to it.
  5. no
  6. Added v2. Yea, this is the tag I was working on when my photoshop stopped working.
  7. Happy Buddah


    http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/ahmygawd.png http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/renegade.png
  8. 1 has some really dull effects and needs more contrast. 2 is pretty cool, just a little sharp. Neat stuff .
  9. ahahahahahahaahahhahahaha. Tbh the focal needs a lot of work. $%#^%# ugly as hell, maybe replace it with a stock of me.
  10. What the hell's your problem? The collab was supposed to be with lax but his computer was being a b****. When I said 'fag' I was kidding. I don't remember saying I wanted to collab with you actually. And honestly when you C&C you have no idea what you're talking about. So before you try to start a flame war and pretend you're pro think about it.
  11. Lol I wasn't serious. Everyone takes things so seriously nowadays .
  12. Ur ugly
  13. No spots were on my lsat 1 .
  14. Was gonna be a collab with some fag, but long story short, it isn't anymore http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/laxcollabmystart.png
  15. Happy Buddah


    Hahahahahahahah idk http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/experimentzzz.png
  16. It's 'grid' and it has a meaning that I really only understand, so I don't want to explain it xD. I made no transparency changes to the text, it's a clipping mask .
  17. Here y'are. It's kind of an experimental style for me . http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/gridv8.png C&C if you want
  18. Wow you are so freaking annoying. You don't know the first thing about GFX yet you choose to insult beginners. You are so sad it's not even funny.
  19. Yea that doesn't work. Do tuts. It's 10x harder to learn everything on your own.
  20. Thanks
  21. Happy Buddah

    Yea idk

    Yea, so C&C. Yes I know they're retarded. http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/dahpapaman.png http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/roflcopters-1.png
  22. That's what tutorials are for .
  23. Lol, normally people photoshop girls into their pictures, but you cropped that b**** out!!!
  24. Shut the hell up
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